*Title and abstract


1) Abstract includes five components: background and purpose, method, findings, conclusion, and keywords.

2) All words (except the articles and prepositions) in the title start with capital letters.

3) Abstract must not exceed 300 words.

4) Keywords should be minimum 3 and maximum 10 words and based on MeSH words. The Mesh link for the words should be included. For entering the Mesh website, click here and enter your keywords in the search section after entering.

Affiliation in English:

The authors’ department, faculty, university, city and country must be mentioned.

All authors’ Orcid code:

For receiving the guidelines for registration in the Orcid code click here.

All authors’ email address and phone no.

Corresponding author:

Academic email of the corresponding author:

Summary in Persian and English along with the references


Summary must be minimum 700 and maximum 1000 words.

Summary includes background and purpose, method, findings, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgment, ethical considerations (mentioning the code of ethics), funding, conflict of interests, and authors’ contribution.

3) At the beginning of the method section, under the subtitle ‘following the ethical guidelines’ and in one sentence, the ethical principles observed in the study when carrying out the study must be mentioned.

4) Summary of the article must be extracted from the most important parts and should well represent the findings of the study.

Persian title and abstract

Note: Abstract must be maximum 300 words and include background and purpose, method, findings, conclusion and keywords.

Affiliation in Persian:

Note: The authors’ department, faculty, university, city and country must be mentioned.

Text of the article along with the references:


1) The maximum number of words is 6000 for research articles and 10000 for review articles.

2) The text of the article includes introduction (background and purpose), method, findings, discussion and conclusion, research limitations, suggestions for further research, acknowledgment, ethical considerations (mentioning the code of ethics), funding, conflict of interests, and authors’ contribution.

3) At the beginning of the method section, under the subtitle ‘following the ethical guidelines’ and in one sentence, the ethical principles observed in the study when carrying out the study must be mentioned.

4) Summary of the article must be extracted from the most important parts and should well represent the findings of the study.

5) The references must be ordered using the Endnote software and in Vancouver style. Click on Endnote X7 guidelines for receiving the training guide.

Note: The name of all authors in article with less than six authors must be included. If the number of authors exceeds six, use ‘et al.’ after the name of the sixth author.

1. Molazade A, Gholami M, Hamayeli Mehrabani H, Mortazavi A, Dowlatkhah H, Darvishi A, et al. Relationship between the Spiritual Intelligence, Academic Achievement, and Achievement Motivation among the Students. Community Health Journal. 2017;7(2):56-64. (Full Text in Persian)

Article reference example:

1. Kianimoghadam AS, Bakhtiari M. Socio-Moral Development of Preschool Children. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(3):1-6.

Book or thesis and dissertation reference exampletreatises:

1. Abolghasam AN. Taken from Principles of Kafi. 2ed. Qom: Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib Publications; 2014.

6) Full text in Persian must be mentioned in parentheses at the end of Persian references.

7) For the references with no English abstract and an only-Persian abstract , there is no need to translate the title in English and must only be transliterated. Example: Afkhami E, Bahrami F, Fatehizadeh MS. Barresi-ye Rabeteh-ye bein Mizan-e Bakhshoodegi va Taaroz-e Zanashooei-ye Zoojein dar Ostan-e Yazad. Journal of Family Research. 2007;9(3):431-42. (Full Text in Persian)

8) The code of ethics (online and trackable) must be mentioned in all the articles to be published in the Journal of Research on Religion and Health. Offline codes with no online tracking possibility are not valid. For example, by clicking on the ethics code IR.PNU.REC.1398.068, you can access the related website.

9) In the articles extracted from theses or dissertations, the code of approval must be mentioned.

10) The writing and edition guidelines must be observed. Click here for receiving the guidelines.

11) The number of tables should be proportionate to the number of words meaning one table per 1000 words. Each table must have a caption and all the columns must also have captions.

12) The figures and tables should be as small as possible in size and the information within them must not be repeated. Figures must be presented as JPEG or TIFF. The pictures and radiology images must have high resolution (300 dpi or higher) and minimum 10x10 cm. All the figures must be mentioned in sequence and with titles in the article.

13) All the graphs must have captions along the horizontal and vertical axis and the numbers in the graph must be in Persian.