The motivation and attitude of language learners in learning management systems and social networks and its effect on improving the personal health of learners
Social Determinants of Health,
Vol. 10 (2024),
1 January 2024,
Background: The purpose of the present study was to examine how Moodle, a learning management system, influences students' motivation and attitudes toward online learning, both with and without the use of Eitaa as a learning platform, and how this influences the promotion of personal health.
Methods: This research was semi-experimental in nature. Four groups of totally 101 female students from the Shahid Bahonar University of Hamedan, affiliated with Farhangian University, were chosen at random. The first group was trained online for two months using Moodle, while the second group was trained through the Eitaa virtual network. The third group was trained in a combination of Moodle and Eitaa, and the fourth group was trained in the traditional way (lecture). Students' attitudes were assessed in the pre- and post-exam stages using Levin's attitude questionnaire, and their motivation was measured using Papi's questionnaire. The research instruments were examined and confirmed in terms of reliability and validity in a preliminary study.
Results: After 2 months of online training with Moodle as a Learning Management System (LMS), students' attitude and motivation to promote their personal health increased significantly compared to traditional education. Students in the Eitaa group scored greater on attitude and motivation than those in the conventional group. The attitudes and motivations of students in the combined LMS-Eitaa group and the conventional education group did not significantly differ from one another.
Conclusion: To improve students' attitude and motivation, online training by the Moodel should be used as an LMS. This successful educational approach will lead to the improvement of a healthy lifestyle by promotion of the level of personal health.