Research Article

Jurisprudential-Medical Comparison of the Concept of Coma

farzad parsa; UM Kulthum Bahrami Jaf

Medical Figh, Vol. 16 No. 46 (1403), 18 May 2024, Page 1-22

Background and Aim: In the past, coma was often considered a disease, and in some cases, dementia due to a disease, and the patients’ rights were explained accordingly. But this general concept is no longer valid today. Various types of unconsciousness have been defined and the causes and coordinates of each have been explained. The present research was conducted while paying attention to the jurists’ views and arguments and by referring to specialized neuroscience texts, with the aim of explaining the concept of lack of consciousness and its different types and the need to review these patients’ rights in Islamic jurisprudence.

Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-analytical and interdisciplinary research is fundamental theoretical based on the objective. It is also based on the data of traditional medicine, Islamic jurisprudence and neuroscience. Data has been collected by a library method and their analysis has been done qualitatively.

Conclusion: In this research, while explaining the viewpoints of jurists of Islamic religions and new neurosciences, it was concluded that most jurists considered coma to be a disease caused by various factors, while others considered it to be dementia due to a disease. These two approaches, which are actually the same and in both cases, coma is not an independent disease, are very general and have no precedent. Today, the definition of consciousness and the different states of loss of consciousness and its causes have been explained and scaled to a great extent, and treatment methods have also been discovered in various cases. Even as we know, unconsciousness is needed for surgery. Based on this, it is necessary for jurists and scientists to redefine the special rulings of this field according to the existing facts and medical science in order to achieve the patients’ rights.

Background and Aim: Infertility is one of the most important problems of human societies, and medical knowledge has been able to solve this problem to some extent due to many advances. One of the most important achievements is embryo freezing that was created from the in vitro fertilization of the parents’ germ cells in extra uterine conditions and with a medical process. Embryo freezing and storage in freezing banks has faced many issues, one of which is legal challenges. The purpose of this research is to investigate the disagreement of parents in choosing a uterus for implantation of a frozen embryo in Iranian legal system.

Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical research aims to qualitatively analyse the verses of the Holy Quran and the opinions of lawyers, jurists and doctors regarding the differences between the parents’ frozen embryo in implantation in the mother's and non-mother's wombs in Iranian legal system by referring to documents and library resources.

Conclusion: Based on the studies on the difference in the place of embryo implantation and different views regarding the determination of the authority’s the frozen embryo, it was determined that the couple (the owners of the gamete and the two forming factors of the embryo) are jointly authority. By stating the types of relationship between parents and the fetus, it was explained that there is a new relationship between them, that is, the relationship of dominion and possession of trust and exclusive right. Considering the right to the physical and mental health of the fetus, the right to life, the right to implant in the mother's womb, the psychological effects of implantation in the mother's womb on the fetus, the place of the womb (the interest of the fetus) and the rules of harmlessness and non-harmful in assuming fetus’ or mother’s health and not health at the implantation site, a womb is chosen that is a stable place for the fetus and ensures its health and protection according to the verses of the Holy Quran. In addition, it was found that a frozen embryo is not property, so it cannot be inherited.