Comparing the Effect of Green Tea and Peppermint Mouthwashes on Halitosis: A Cross-over randomized Single-blind Clinical Trial
Journal of Dental School,
Vol. 41 No. 2 (2023),
21 January 2024
Page 55-61
Introduction: Herbal remedies can have a preventive role in malodor. This study aimed to investigate the clinical effect of green tea and peppermint on halitosis.
Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial. Eighty-eight volunteers with an average organoleptic score of ≥2 were enrolled. The volunteers underwent two one-week phases of treatment with green tea or peppermint mouthwashes separated by a washout period of one week. Main outcomes included the objective and subjective assessment of eventual changes in malodor. Organoleptic assessment was used as objective measure and self-perception of mouthwashes taste and smell as subjective one.
Results: The decrease in halitosis severity was significant in green tea or peppermint mouthwashes (P<0.001). There was no significant difference between the decrease in organoleptic level (P=0.72). There was no significant difference between both mouthwashes regarding self-assessed satisfaction (P=0.78).
Conclusion: Both mouthwashes were useful in managing halitosis. Hence, considering the taste of individuals, each of them can be prescribed to halitosis treatment.
- Green tea
- Halitosis
- Malodor
- Mouthwash
- Peppermint
How to Cite
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