The Journal of Dental School is committed to ensuring the long-term accessibility and preservation of all published content. To achieve this, we utilize multiple trusted archiving services and digital preservation networks, ensuring that scholarly works remain accessible to the scientific community and the public over time. Our archiving policy includes the following services:

PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN): All articles published in the Journal of Dental School are automatically archived in the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN). This ensures that a distributed, decentralized network of preservation copies is maintained, protecting the journal’s content against potential loss or access issues.

LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): The Journal of Dental School participates in the LOCKSS program, a globally recognized initiative that allows libraries to preserve the published content of the journal through a decentralized system of redundant, persistent archives. This system helps safeguard content by enabling ongoing access even in the event of catastrophic failures.

CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): In addition to LOCKSS, we are also integrated with CLOCKSS, a trusted archiving service that operates similarly to LOCKSS but with additional features for controlled access to digital content in cases where the journal or its publisher is no longer able to provide access. This ensures that published articles remain accessible under a creative commons license should the journal cease operations.

These archiving services provide a robust and multi-layered approach to digital preservation, ensuring that the Journal of Dental School’s content remains safe, discoverable, and accessible for future generations of researchers and scholars. In case of any disruptions, these archives will enable the redistribution of content to preserve the scholarly record.