Restoration of Endodontically Treated Anterior Teeth by Modified Conservative Endocrowns: A Case Report with a 30-Month Follow Up
Journal of Dental School,
Vol. 38 No. 2 (2020),
20 June 2021
Page 84-89
Objectives Restoration of severely damaged endodontically treated anterior teeth typically poses a challenge. Specific indication of post-retained restorations in such teeth has reasonably been questioned because of the potential tooth structure weakening. The present study aimed to describe a modified conservative endocrown (modified refers to intracanal extension while conservative refers to preparation at the finish line) to rehabilitate severely damaged anterior teeth.
Case: Endodontically treated lower right central incisor had inadequate remaining tooth structure and restored by endocrwn restoration as a definitive treatment and followed for 30 month.
Conclusion Considering the clinical outcome after 30 months of follow-up, it seems that this specific type of endocrown could efficiently serve as a conservative treatment approach to restore endodontically treated anterior teeth.
- Root Canal Therapy;
- Composite Resins;
- Case Reports;
- Tooth Bleaching
How to Cite
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