Assessment of Stress in General Dentists in Tehran City
Journal of Dental School,
Vol. 34 No. 4 (2016),
27 December 2016
Page 253-262
Objectives: This study sought to assess the level of stress in general dentists in the 2nd district of Tehran city in 2014 to find out the stressors and suggest strategies to overcome them.
Methods: This descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted on 130 general dentists from the 2nd district of Tehran city selected via weighted randomization. Level of stress was assessed using Coudron stress questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 and Spearman’s correlation coefficient, Chi square test and ordinal logistic regression tests. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: All types of stress (occupational, life health, personal life and personality) were significantly correlated. Normal life health stress (compared to high stress) decreased occupational stress to approximately one third. Level of occupational stress was 2.5 times lower in subjects with normal level of stress in their personal life and 2 times lower in subjects with normal personality stress. Most dentists, irrespective of gender and marital status had high levels of occupational stress. Only 11.27% of those with a work experience of less than 10 years had normal life health stress. Personal life stress was significantly correlated with age, work place, and work experience (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Most dentists, irrespective of gender (male: 67.3%, female: 73%) and marital status (married: 66.3%, single: 74.2%) had high levels of occupational stress. The effects of age, gender, marital status, work place and work experience were variable on occupational, life health, personal life and personality stresses and depended on the type of stress assessed.
- Dentists
- Dentistry
- Stress
- Psychological
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