The outcomes of behavioral abnormalities of human resources of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education
Social Determinants of Health,
Vol. 9 (2023),
1 January 2023
Page 1-11
Background: The last criterion for behavioral abnormality occurs outside social and cultural norms. The present study aimed to design a model of behavioral abnormalities of human resources of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Methods: The outcomes were identified through library studies, and the fuzzy Delphi technique was used with the opinion of experts until we reached a theoretical consensus. First, 13 factors were confirmed using the opinion of 50 experts. Then, a questionnaire was designed based on the results of the first stage of the study, and the experts were asked to specify the importance of each identified stage using verbal variables. Then, the verbal variables were converted into fuzzy triangular numbers, and the triangular fuzzy mean was de-fuzzified using the Minkowski formula by Excel and SPSS-21 software.
Results: The members of the expert group reached a consensus on all components (dissatisfaction, drug abuse, alcohol consumption, reduction of motivation, moral corruption, malice and revenge, suicide, absenteeism, early and excessive leaves, theft and destruction of property, procrastination, arguments and physical violence, sexual harassment, violation of laws and character assassination and humiliation of colleagues). The de-fuzzified mean difference of experts' opinions in the two stages was less than 0.1, indicating the intensity of experts' agreement with each of the components of the conceptual model of the study.
Conclusion: Behavioral abnormality is one of the problems of today's organizations, and the development of behavioral models in organizations is one way to guide employees' behavior and prevent the occurrence of abnormal behaviors.
- Health
- Health Care Sector
- Problem Behavior
- Outcome Assessment, Health Care
- Workforce
How to Cite
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