Performance prediction based on employees' job engagement mediated by ethical leadership
Social Determinants of Health,
Vol. 9 (2023),
1 January 2023
Page 1-10
Background: Education has a great impact on the social, economic and cultural progress of society. This study's goal was to develop a thorough model for performance prediction that was based on employee job engagement and was mediated by moral leadership.
Methods: This study was applied and a descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was included 341 people from employees and managers of the education department in Kerman province. They were chosen at random by a stratified sample. Information was gathered using questionnaires created by the researcher, including a work performance questionnaire with 28 questions, a job engagement questionnaire with 34 questions, and a questionnaire on ethical leadership with 46 questions. Assessing the validity of the components by the Delphi method by surveying 30 experts and the results of fit of the components obtained with AMOS software were determined. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the variables was more than 0.7, suggesting that the items were internally coordinated and that the reliability was confirmed.
Results: With the increase of behavioral involvement such as commitment to time, intensity and seriousness of work, cognitive involvement such as concentration, work attraction and emotional involvement such as enthusiasm and mental flexibility, along with the rise in ethical leadership, the degree of ethical leadership in education grew, the level of performance, the employment of employees increased.
Conclusion: The importance of mediating role of ethical leadership in education department employees in predicting performance based on job engagement can be used by managers in the area of learning and education in the country.
- Attitude
- Employment
- Ethics
- Leadership
- Work Performance
How to Cite
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