Comparison of compassion-focused therapy and dialectical behavior therapy on state-trait anxiety and impulsivity of patients with coronary heart disease
Social Determinants of Health,
Vol. 8 (2022),
1 Dey 2022
Page 1-9
Background: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy (CFT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) on state-trait anxiety symptoms and impulsiveness in patients with coronary artery disease.
Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental research method, with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up with a control group. The study population in this study is cardiac patients of Tabriz Madani Hospital. The sample consisted of 60 patients with cardiovascular disease who were selected by voluntary and purposive sampling method and were randomly divided into three groups self-compassion (20 patients), DBT (20), and control group (20). Data were collected using the Bart impulsivity scale (Bart, 1994) and state-trait anxiety log (Spielberger et al., 1970) and analyzed by repeated measure analysis of variance using SPSS software (version 22).
Results: The results showed that the mean of state-trait anxiety symptoms group (p<0.01, F (df=2) =10.17, Eta= 0.26) and impulsivity (p<0.01, F (df=2) =11.81, Eta= 0.28) in the DBT group at the end of post-test was lower than CFT and the control group. In other words, DBT had the highest effect on state-trait anxiety symptoms and impulsivity (p<0.01).
Conclusion: It can be concluded that DBT has a greater effect on state anxiety and impulsivity than CFT and both treatments can be used to improve psychological problems in patients with coronary heart disease.
- Anxiety
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Mental Health
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