Peptide-Catalysis in Asymmetric Organic Synthesis
Trends in Peptide and Protein Sciences,
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2017),
8 May 2017,
Page 88-98
Stereo-selectivity is an important feature in the development of the synthesis of biologically active organic compounds. In this process, (bio) catalysts exhibit substrate specificity that allows high levels of chemo- and regio-selectivity. Over the past decade, several peptides have been developed as effective bio-catalysts for a range of synthetically valuable reactions. In comparison with proteins owing a large number of amino acids and high molecular weights, peptide-catalysts possess only a few amino acid residues, which may adopt a secondary structure suitable for synthesis of desired chiral products. In addition, the flexible nature of peptides consents for tuning of reactivity and selectivity by replacing amino acid residues. These unique aspects provide attractive biocatalysts platform for asymmetric syntheses.
- Asymmetric catalysis has an impressive progression in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.
- Enzymes and natural/synthetic peptides are attractive biocatalysts of the chiral reactions.
- Peptides show unique features compared with other catalysts in asymmetric catalysis.