TPPS follows the international regulations against scientific misconduct including fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, etc. Any cases of suspected misconduct will be assessed during the peer-review and publication process based on COPE guidelines.
Plagiarism happens when someone presents works/ideas of other ones as his/her own, without full citation or acknowledgement. All submitted manuscript have to be original and there are less than 20% similarity in text with other publications, which have been checked by appropriate Plagiarism checking software.
After submission, the authorship confirmation letters will mail to all authors. They should notified the editorial office if any misconduct happened. Then, Editor-in-Chief or section Editors evaluate the submitted files before the peer-review process and the manuscript will be sent back to author(s) if do not have approval criteria or have plagiarism. In this step, authors can revise the manuscript and resubmit it. If they do not want to do the revision, the manuscript will be rejected.
If Editors discover any misconduct including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism after publication, the manuscript will be withdrawn. Authors (at least the Corresponding author) should have close collaboration and communication with the editorial office during publication process and after if needed.