Post-Publication matters at IPA

We do respectfully invite authors, co-authors, reviewers, and our valuable readers to please advise us on any published matters, including its layout, format, texts, figures, and tables, and most importantly the subject, and content at any sections of a manuscript, especially the results and discussion, as well as the conclusions. Please email us at with the copy of the manuscript DOI number as the subject line of your email. The section editor of the published article will review your comments and discuss them with the corresponding author and peer reviewers, if required. The final result of these investigations will be discussed with the editor-in-chief to make the best action. It might be in a range of a logical private reply to you, publishing of a note, or a short communication on that article at the journal, correction of parts of the article with or without public announcement, and in some very exceptional circumstances the removal of the article from IPA. An email listing all considerations and criteria for the final decision will be sent to the corresponding author and the reviewers. If required, the matter will be published at the IPA journal for public notice.