Author Guideline (PDF)




Criteria for publication of the prepared manuscript:


The originality of the manuscript& Plagiarism Checking

The manuscript submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished, and not accepted for publication (in press) in any format and/or language partially or totally, other than as short abstracts, and no part of the manuscript must be under consideration for publication elsewhere in any languages until a final decision is made by IPA on the acceptance or the rejection.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be checked for originality by an experienced Plagiarism Committee and using anti-plagiarism software. Plagiarism is defined by the World Association of Medical Editors as the appropriation of the language, ideas or thoughts of another without crediting their true source and representation of them as one's own original work.

The authors are responsible for the validity, integrity, and completeness of the data without any fabrication or fraud and the precision and accuracy of the data analysis.  


Permissions and Ethics

This journal is following the rules of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and ICMJE principles.

Permissions of reproduction of another source (Copyright): The manuscript must not infringe any personal and proprietary rights of others. Information or items such as figures, tables, or parts of the text reproduced from another source must be properly cited. The copyright holder's permission for previously published or copyrighted items, and the provider’s permission for items that are uncopyrighted or unpublished must have been obtained prior to submission, and signed permission statements from the copyright holder or provider must be sent to the IPA Editorial Office upon manuscript submission. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining these written permissions.


Ethic principles in Humans and Animals Experience: Human experiences must be performed in conformity with ethical principles involved in WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects or with similar principles in affiliated organization, and they must get the approval of the institutional ethics review board or Research Ethics committee of their affiliated organization before the beginning the study.

Animal experiences must follow WMA Statement on Animal Use in Biomedical Research or ICLAS – Ethics and Animal Welfare Committee- Ethical Guideline for Researchers  and the approval of Animal Experiments Ethics committee of their affiliated organization must be granted before the beginning of the study.

So, for the manuscripts involving human or animal data, the approval letter granted by the institutional ethics committee must be accompanied by other publication requirements after getting acceptance of publication.


Author and Non-Author Contribution: All authors must meet all four criteria for authorship listed below (based on ICMJE recommendation):

A) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

B) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

C) Final approval of the version to be published; AND

D) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Contributors to the work who meet fewer than all 4 of the above authorship criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors. Instead, they should be acknowledged and listed in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript. The corresponding author should obtain written permission to be acknowledged from all acknowledged individuals because acknowledgment may imply endorsement by acknowledged individuals of a study data and conclusions.


Conflicts of Interest and Fundings and Sources of support Declaration: Any potential conflict of interest such as financial connections (links) and supports, and any resources, materials or devices that every author have received directly, and indirectly, any personal relationship, rivalries, academic competition and any intellectual properties that might raise the question of bias in the work, must be reported concisely in Acknowledgements/ Conflict of Interest /Sources of support file of manuscript, and in detail in Cover Letter.

Patient Permission and Study Participant Consent: The patient permission for identifiable patient description and photographs, and written informed consent form from study participant in a case report or clinical study must be obtained, and if requested by IPA, it must be provided.


Copyright and Proprietary right of Manuscript

Manuscript authors retain all proprietary rights such as patent and trademark advantages of the content presented in their manuscript, but the copyright of this manuscript as an exclusive license to a) Publish, reproduce, and/or distribute (disseminate) totally or partially in all forms or languages and in all media all over (throughout) the world b) Make (create) derivatives based upon the work authorize any third party to do any or all of aforementioned a and b, is granted to IPA. All derivatives, translations, or other forms of the work are protected by this copyright.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use without any profit or commercial purposes (advantage) of copy the article in any manner and form is granted to authors without a fee.


Authors Statement & Agreement Form

IPA wants the authors after that, if their manuscript is accepted for publication, to read and complete this form as a Word file by all authors; then the printed completed form should be signed by all authors personally (not digitally), scanned, and emailed to IPA.

The online submission process

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by the corresponding author at the

Different files are required to be uploaded separately for the submission process:

Manuscript including the following files: 1-Title page with Introduce at least 3 Reviewers, 2-Cover letter, 3-Abstract, 4- Manuscript text (with no author details), 5-References, 6-Acknowledgements/ Conflict of Interest /Sources of support and fundings declaration, 7-Supporting Information (if any), 8-Tables and Table Titles, 9- Figure Legends, 10- Figure/Illustrations.