Your Complains, how do we respect it?


IPA does its best to serve the scientific community, however, nothing is perfect, and we shall welcome suggestions and properly handle complaints. If you found any wrong processing, misconduct, or actions away from an academic and friendly manner, please advise us immediately. Complaints might be on different issues including duplicate publication, plagiarism, false data, authorship, conflicts of interest, or an ethical problem with the manuscript from authors, reviewers, and even the readers. Just email us at "" with the subject of either “Suggestions” or “Complains”or whatever is more appropriate for your purpose.  Please write a clear and descriptive explanation of what you want to express with examples of occurrences. E-mails with the subject line of “Suggestions” or “Complains” will be referred to the editor-in-chief assistant for prompt action. A fast reply will be sent to you acknowledging the receipt of your email and our understanding of the issue that has been mentioned in your letter. Once you confirmed our understanding of your points, the assistant editor will follow the case personally at any proper offices, officers, or committees to be handled and acted properly. The initial case of complaint and list of the assistant editor’s investigation results will be discussed in the editorial board committee for the assessment and proper actions. If required, a public announcement at the IPA journal will be done to correct the problem. Normally, you should expect an answer in less than a month with a full description of the way your case has been handled. At IPA, we believe in our corresponding values and rights, and an ethical mutual relationship.