Information Repackaging for People with Special Needs in Edo State Library, Nigeria: A Case Report
Journal of Medical Library and Information Science,
Vol. 4 (2023),
16 January 2023,
Page 1-8
Introduction: information Repackaging is a service that is barely available in the library especially for special needs people. The study assessed the availability and forms of information repackaging for special needs people, also the problems associated with information for special needs people.
Methods: open-ended survey was used to collect data, the data collected from each respondent was availability of information repackaging, forms information is repackaged and problem associated with repackaging information for special need people. Responses were analyzed and coded using thematic analysis procedure by Braun and Clarke. Data was summarized into categories and Frequency which was represented in figures using column Charts.
Results: study revealed information repackaging is partially available for special needs people (50%), the major forms which information is repackaged for special needs people were audio-visuals, charts, posters (100%) and the major problem associated with information repackaging for special needs people was funds (100%).
Conclusion: the study discovered information repackaging is partially available for special needs people indicating that special needs people are not full considered as regards to their needs for information. Thus recommended inclusion for special needs people as regards to information.