The Effect of Staff Attitude on the Level of Students' Utilization of Library Resources in Edo State College of Nursing Sciences (EDOCNS)
Journal of Medical Library and Information Science,
Vol. 4 (2023),
16 January 2023
Page 1-7
Introduction: The present study assessed the frequency of library use, level of utilization of library resources, and staff attitude displayed towards nursing students in Edo State College of Nursing Sciences (EDOCNS).
Methods: The study undertook a cross-sectional design using quantitative research. A structured questionnaire was the instrument for data collection, and copies were administered to 100 respondents sampled from 300 students in the Nursing and Midwifery department. A stratified random sampling technique was adopted to select fifty in The Nursing department and 50 students in the Midwifery department. Percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used in data analysis, and regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis that staff attitude has a significant effect on the level of nursing students’ utilization of library resources at EDOCNS.
Results: The study revealed that most nursing students utilized the library once a week (26%) for reprographic purposes (mean score of 3.1). Generally, nursing students utilized library resources at a low level (Average mean of 2.3), and that library personnel displayed a negative attitude toward nursing students (Average mean of 2.2). The study showed that negative staffattitude has a significant (R2= 0.469, β= 0.13, t = 1.88, p= 0.13) effect on the level of nursing students’ utilization of library resources at EDOCNS.
Conclusion: The study indicated that library staff displayed a negative attitude toward nursing students, which has led to the low utilization of library resources; thus, recommending training for all library staff on service delivery to library users at EDOCNS.
- Attitude
- Library resources
- Library staff
- Nursing students
- Midwifery students
How to Cite
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