Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine: an Overview of Articles Published in 2022
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022),
16 March 2022
Page e46
One of the most important ways to improve the quality and quantity of a journal is to carefully review the articles published in a journal during a year. For this purpose, like the previous year(1), we will review the articles published in 2022. This study has been implemented with the aim of investigating the printing process and quality of articles in the Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine.
- Editorial
- Overview
- Publishing
How to Cite
Saghaei Dehkordi, S. (2022). Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine: an Overview of Articles Published in 2022. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e46.
1. Saghaei Dehkordi, S. (2022). Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine; an Overview of Articles Published in 2021. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 8(1), e47.
2. Heidari, K., Ahmadi, M. R., Forouzanfar, M. M., Hashemi, B., & Safari, S. (2022). Optimizing Service Provision Process in the Emergency Department Using Value Flow Mapping and Simulation; a Qualitative Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e10.
3. Yarahmadi, S., Valipour, M., Javadi, N., & Galehdar, N. (2022). Assessing the Status of pre-Hospital Emergency Ambulance Equipment in Khorramabad city based on the Standard of Iranian Ministry of Health in 2021. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e24.
4. Daniali, S., Jokar, A. A., Razavi, S., Sedaghatnia, M. H., Azmoodeh, M., & Kalani, N. (2022). The effect of Jahrom Nurses’ Attitude on Knowledge sharing in the Acceptance of Clinical Information Technology Systems. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e38.
5. Matin, S., Shaterian, N., Kalani, N., Ghanei, M., & Rahmanian, E. (2022). Investigating the awareness and performance of mothers against acute respiratory infections in children of Jahrom city. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e43.
6. Sohrani, Y., Mohammadi Sardoo, H., Amiri Domari, A., Korkinejad, N., & salarpour, elaheh. (2022). Survey of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Female Employees of Health Centers in Jiroft about Breast Cancer Screening in 2018. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e28.
7. Pourmotabed, S., Mosavat, H., Moradi, A. (2022). Comparison of Alvarado Score and Ultrasound Diagnostic Efficacy in the Case of Acute Appendicitis. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e11.
8. Haririan, H., Bahrami, E., & Hassankhani, H. (2022). Attitudes and Practices of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Team Members about Teamwork; a Cross-Sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e13.
9. Rafieemrhr, H., Azizi, M., & Salimi, R. (2022). The Relationship between Consciousness Level and Leukocyte Count in Trauma Patients Hospitalized in the Emergency Department of Besat Hospital in Hamadan in 2020-2021. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e16.
10. Zamani Moghaddam, H., Vatankhah, M., Haghbeen, M., Abiri, S., Taheri, L., & Farzaneh, R. (2022). Ethical Distress and its Related Components in Emergency Department Employees: a Systematic Review. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e3.
11. Farhangranjbar, M. (2022). Research Center for Trauma in Police Operations, Directorate of Health, Rescue & Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e8.
12. Farzaneh, R., Akhavan, R., Abbasi, B., Habibzadeh, S. R., Panahi, M., Maleki, F., Foroughian, M., & Rezvani Kakhki, B. (2022). An Overview of the Educational Capabilities of Augmented and Virtual reality Technology in the Emergency Department. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e40.
13. Farzaneh, R., Akhavan, R., Abbasi, B., Habibzadeh, S. R., Panahi, M., Maleki, F., Foroughian, M., & Rezvani Kakhki, B. (2022). The Therapeutic Application of Augmented and Virtual reality Technology in the Emergency Department: a Review of studies Conducted in the World. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e41.
14. Ziaei, M., Ghiasi , Z., Abdolrazaghnejad, A., & Bahmani, A. (2022). Evaluation of Anxiety and Job Burnout among Nurses Working in Emergency Departments Affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences During COVID-19 Epidemic; A Cross-sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e17.
15. Ziaei, M., Mohammadi, A., Keykha, M., Abdolrazaghnejad, A., & Bahmani, A. (2022). Evaluation of the Incidence of Depression among Residents Studying in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences during the COVID-19 Pandemic; A Cross-sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e23.
16. Abdolrazaghnejad, A., Vazifeshenas Arbab, M., Bahmani, A., Galavi, M., & Farhangi, E. (2022). Evaluation of the Level of Satisfaction of Patients Hospitalized in the Covid-19 wards of the Affiliated Hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in the years 2020-2021; a Cross-Sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e26.
17. Boskabadi, M., Afzalaghaee, M., Talkhi, N., Jamalian, Z., Musa Farkhani, E., & Esmaily, H. (2022). Modeling the Impact of some Variables the COVID-19 Severe with CART Algorithm in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e36.
18. Fatoorechi, Y., & Bahmani, A. (2022). Unexpected Diagnosis of Graves’ Disease in a 75-year-old Man with Progressive Dysphagia; a Case Report. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e35.
19. Asadi. (2022). Penetrating Neck Trauma with a Knife; a Case Report. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e2.
20. Baniani, A., Kashani, P., Hatamabadi, H., Hashemi, B., Forouzanfar, M. M., & Baniani, S. (2022). Titie : Check of the epidemiologic out come 500 patient with trauma and corona in outpatient and hospitalization. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e7.
2. Heidari, K., Ahmadi, M. R., Forouzanfar, M. M., Hashemi, B., & Safari, S. (2022). Optimizing Service Provision Process in the Emergency Department Using Value Flow Mapping and Simulation; a Qualitative Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e10.
3. Yarahmadi, S., Valipour, M., Javadi, N., & Galehdar, N. (2022). Assessing the Status of pre-Hospital Emergency Ambulance Equipment in Khorramabad city based on the Standard of Iranian Ministry of Health in 2021. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e24.
4. Daniali, S., Jokar, A. A., Razavi, S., Sedaghatnia, M. H., Azmoodeh, M., & Kalani, N. (2022). The effect of Jahrom Nurses’ Attitude on Knowledge sharing in the Acceptance of Clinical Information Technology Systems. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e38.
5. Matin, S., Shaterian, N., Kalani, N., Ghanei, M., & Rahmanian, E. (2022). Investigating the awareness and performance of mothers against acute respiratory infections in children of Jahrom city. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e43.
6. Sohrani, Y., Mohammadi Sardoo, H., Amiri Domari, A., Korkinejad, N., & salarpour, elaheh. (2022). Survey of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Female Employees of Health Centers in Jiroft about Breast Cancer Screening in 2018. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e28.
7. Pourmotabed, S., Mosavat, H., Moradi, A. (2022). Comparison of Alvarado Score and Ultrasound Diagnostic Efficacy in the Case of Acute Appendicitis. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e11.
8. Haririan, H., Bahrami, E., & Hassankhani, H. (2022). Attitudes and Practices of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Team Members about Teamwork; a Cross-Sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e13.
9. Rafieemrhr, H., Azizi, M., & Salimi, R. (2022). The Relationship between Consciousness Level and Leukocyte Count in Trauma Patients Hospitalized in the Emergency Department of Besat Hospital in Hamadan in 2020-2021. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e16.
10. Zamani Moghaddam, H., Vatankhah, M., Haghbeen, M., Abiri, S., Taheri, L., & Farzaneh, R. (2022). Ethical Distress and its Related Components in Emergency Department Employees: a Systematic Review. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e3.
11. Farhangranjbar, M. (2022). Research Center for Trauma in Police Operations, Directorate of Health, Rescue & Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e8.
12. Farzaneh, R., Akhavan, R., Abbasi, B., Habibzadeh, S. R., Panahi, M., Maleki, F., Foroughian, M., & Rezvani Kakhki, B. (2022). An Overview of the Educational Capabilities of Augmented and Virtual reality Technology in the Emergency Department. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e40.
13. Farzaneh, R., Akhavan, R., Abbasi, B., Habibzadeh, S. R., Panahi, M., Maleki, F., Foroughian, M., & Rezvani Kakhki, B. (2022). The Therapeutic Application of Augmented and Virtual reality Technology in the Emergency Department: a Review of studies Conducted in the World. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e41.
14. Ziaei, M., Ghiasi , Z., Abdolrazaghnejad, A., & Bahmani, A. (2022). Evaluation of Anxiety and Job Burnout among Nurses Working in Emergency Departments Affiliated with Zahedan University of Medical Sciences During COVID-19 Epidemic; A Cross-sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e17.
15. Ziaei, M., Mohammadi, A., Keykha, M., Abdolrazaghnejad, A., & Bahmani, A. (2022). Evaluation of the Incidence of Depression among Residents Studying in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences during the COVID-19 Pandemic; A Cross-sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e23.
16. Abdolrazaghnejad, A., Vazifeshenas Arbab, M., Bahmani, A., Galavi, M., & Farhangi, E. (2022). Evaluation of the Level of Satisfaction of Patients Hospitalized in the Covid-19 wards of the Affiliated Hospitals of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in the years 2020-2021; a Cross-Sectional Study. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e26.
17. Boskabadi, M., Afzalaghaee, M., Talkhi, N., Jamalian, Z., Musa Farkhani, E., & Esmaily, H. (2022). Modeling the Impact of some Variables the COVID-19 Severe with CART Algorithm in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e36.
18. Fatoorechi, Y., & Bahmani, A. (2022). Unexpected Diagnosis of Graves’ Disease in a 75-year-old Man with Progressive Dysphagia; a Case Report. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e35.
19. Asadi. (2022). Penetrating Neck Trauma with a Knife; a Case Report. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e2.
20. Baniani, A., Kashani, P., Hatamabadi, H., Hashemi, B., Forouzanfar, M. M., & Baniani, S. (2022). Titie : Check of the epidemiologic out come 500 patient with trauma and corona in outpatient and hospitalization. Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9(1), e7.
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