Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine is an Open Access journal. Since the beginning of March 2016, publishing an article in this journal requires payment of an APC that will be billed to the corresponding author following acceptance for publication. No submission charges, page charges, or color charges exist apart from the APC. The APC would be 25,000,000 IR. Rials (200 USD) for Original Articles, 35,000,000 IR. Rials (250 USD) for Reviews, and 20,000,000 IR. Rials (200 USD) for Brief Reports and 15,000,000 IR. Rials (100 USD) for other types of articles.
Authors who should meet a deadline and wish to have their manuscript published more rapidly may ask for fast track evaluation. In this model, an editorial decision will be made within a maximum of 2 weeks. The cost of fast track evaluation is 10,000,000 Rials (100 USD), which should be paid upon submission and before the initiation of the peer review process. This fee should only be paid by those who opt to ask for fast track evaluation and is independent of the publication fee received upon publication. It should also be noted that paying this fee only accelerates the peer review process and does not guarantee acceptance of the manuscript for publication. Those who wish to ask for fast track evaluation should send their requests directly to our journal manager Ms. Somayeh SaghaeiDehkordi via the email upon submission of their manuscript.
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine offers a waiver of APC to authors based in countries classified as Low-income or Lower-middle-income economies by the World Bank. In addition, if a valuable article is submitted and accepted, the journal will not avoid publishing it for not paying the APC. Therefore, authors who are not able to pay the charge, are encouraged to contact the journal by sending an Email to to explain their situation and ask for a waiver and the journal will evaluate the request.