Evaluation of Suspected Patients to COVID-19 Triage Status: a Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022),
16 March 2022
Page e44
Introduction: Proper and effective triage of patients suspected to COVID-19, the diagnosis of their high risk situation and then hospitalization in order to carry out treatment measures are of particular importance. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the triage status of patients suspected of COVID-19.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in the period between April and June 2020 in one of hospitals in Tehran. Triage information related to 1010 patients suspected of COVID 19 were assessed. Some of these patients were hospitalized and the rest were advised to rest at home. Clinical, laboratory and survival or death data of hospitalized patients were collected from their hospital documenttaion. Patients who were discharged from triage without the need for medical intervention and were advised to rest at home were contacted by phone. Then their condition after discharge from triage, re-referral to other hospitals due to the symptoms of the disease, other symptoms that appeared at home, and treatment measures performed in case of re-referral to the hospital were asked. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and logistic regression modeling and t-test and chi-square statistical tests using SPSS 16.
Results: The results showed that among the 1010 assessed patients, 360 people (35.5%) were admitted to the hospital with a definite diagnosis of COVID-19, and 650 people (64.5%) did not need to be hospitalized according to the triage performed. Among the 650 patients sent home, the information of 57.5% of the patients could not be followed up due to the lack of answering the phone, and only 276 people (42.5%) answered the phone call, and none of them needed hospitalization in other hospitals. Among the patients admitted to the hospital, 14.8% had died. The results of adjusted odds ratio based on multivariate logistic regression modeling for predictors of mortality showed that after adjusting the variables in the model, none of the variables showed a significant relationship with mortality (P>0.05 in all cases).
Conclusion: Results showed that all patients who were admitted to the hospital after triage were finally infected with COVID-19. Other patients who did not require hospitalization and were advised to rest at home were not hospitalized in other medical centers either. The results showed that the triage performed for patients was able to identify COVID 19 critically ill patients who need hospitalization.
- COVID- 19
- Triage
- Mortality
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