Unexpected Diagnosis of Graves' Disease in a 75-year-old Man with Progressive Dysphagia; a Case Report
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022),
16 March 2022
Page e35
Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in all age groups, although due to the decrease in the incidence of classic hyperthyroid symptoms and Graves' disease and uncommon symptoms in the elderly, timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease are often complicated. For this reason, mortality and morbidity rate increases in the aged groups. This article discusses a case report of an elderly patient who went to the emergency room with progressive dysphagia of solids and liquids and was admitted to the gastroenterology department. In the subsequent follow-ups, the response to the treatment was visible in the patient, and the patient's dysphagia was resolved mainly, which shows the high importance of thyroid tests in the el. Timely diagnosis in this age group will reduce mortality.
- Hyperthyroidism
- Graves' disease
- Aged groups
How to Cite
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