Animal-Food-Human Antimicrobial Resistance Fundamentals, Prevention Mechanisms and Global Surveillance Trends: A Terse Review
Applied Food Biotechnology,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021),
16 March 2021
Page 89-102
Background and objective:
Food-producing animals can potentially transmit resistant bacterial pathogens to humans with various rates in various microbial species. Confronting the global antimicrobial resistance challenges needs collaboratively collective efforts by countries. Published literatures regarding antimicrobial resistance challenges and surveillance continually increase worldwide. Furthermore, understanding of antimicrobial resistance challenges and surveillance must be improved. Therefore, this brief review included antimicrobial resistance fundamentals and prevention mechanisms and its global surveillance trends specific to animal-food-human pathways.
Results and Conclusions:
The capacity of antimicrobial resistance to include economic and health effects on various regions of the world must not be underestimated. The nature of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms contributes to its complicated spread mechanisms. Hence, there is the need for effective and efficient methods or strategies to challenge antimicrobial resistance. In addition to the concerns of antimicrobial agents with the developed understanding of the antimicrobial resistance prevention mechanisms, key facts of surveillance, specifically in microbiological contexts, are demonstrated in this review. In recent decades, global surveillance trends have been urged to overcome antimicrobial resistance problems. Due to its complexities, antimicrobial resistance remains a major public health concern with no single strategy to thoroughly prevent emergence or spread of infectious microorganisms.
- microorganisms
- antimicrobial resistance
- global surveillance
- antimicrobial agents
- antibiotics
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