Biocomposites Based on Polyhydroxyalkanoates and Natural Fibres from Renewable Byproducts
Applied Food Biotechnology,
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019),
2 Dey 2019
Page 35-43
Background and Objective: The use of biopolyesters and natural fibres or fillers for production of biobased composites has attracted interest of various application sectors ranging from packaging to automotive components and other high value applications in agreement with a bioeconomy approach. In the present paper biobased composites were produced by using compostable polymers degradable even in soil and marine water such as polyhydroxyalkanoates with natural fibres or fillers derived by food wastes (legumes by-products) and by wood industry.
Material and Methods: Polyhydroxyalkanoates were processed with a biobased, biodegradable plasticizer such as acetyltributylcitrate and calcium carbonate as inorganic filler. The selected polymeric matrix was used for the production of composites with variable amounts of natural fibres. Green composites were manufactured by extrusion and injection moulding. Thermal, rheological, mechanical and morphological characterizations of the developed composites were performed.
Results and Conclusion: The bio composites properties match the requirements for production of rigid food packaging or other single use items where the market is looking for more sustainable solutions versus the products actually used and hardly recyclable, opening a route for valorization of food residue. Pukanzsky’s model predicts with good accuracy the tensile behavior of the composites showing a medium intensity adhesion between fibres and polymer matrix in both cases analyzed.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
- ▪ Polyhydroxyalkanoates ▪ Biocomposites ▪ Food by-products ▪ Mechanical properties ▪ Pukanzsky’s model
How to Cite
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