This study was a part of national project to establish and optimize local and national diagnostic guidance levels. This work intends to evaluate image quality and entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) for patients' radiographic examinations in two north western provinces of country. Two hospitals got involved in the present study. The rate of the rejected images and image quality grades were determined. The ESAK were calculated by X-ray tube output measurements and X-ray exposure parameters (kVp, mAS, FFD, as well as patients thicknesses) for common radiographic examinations including: chest, skull, thoracic, lumbar in two projections and also abdomen and pelvis in one projection. The rate of images categorized as poor was 40%. Patients' dose in radiographic examination varied by a factor of up to 6.9, 13.84, 9.76, 11.33, 6.15, 8.69, 2.85, 3.05, 12.41, and 5.51 in chest (PA), chest (LAT), lumbar (AP), lumbar (LAT), thoracic (AP), thoracic (LAT), skull (PA), skull (LAT), abdomen and pelvis, respectively. The mean ESAK values for above mentioned techniques were 0.3, 0.7, 2.85, 6.87, 2.3, 4.9, 1.32, 1.05, 2.9 and 2.2 mGy, respectively. Poor image quality plays a major role in unnecessary radiation dose to the patients but in compare with other studies stated that patient dose levels in radiographic examinations in our study aren't higher than those in developed countries.