Estimation of Organ-Absorbed Doses in Human from Gamma Rays of 99mTc-DTPA Radiopharmaceutical, Using the Animal Dissection Data
Archives of Advances in Biosciences,
Vol. 10 No. 4 (2019),
14 October 2019
Page 22-30
Introduction: Scintigraphy of renal system with radiopharmaceuticals extracts provides us with essential information as to assist the diagnosis and management of patients. In this research, effective doses of human’s organs due to gamma-rays of 99mTc-DTPA are estimated using the animal dissection data.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the human absorbed and effective doses from 99mTc-DTPA are obtained from animal organs data, using medical internal radiation dosimetry (MIRD) method and MCNP simulation code. In each stage, three mice were injected and sacrificed, and then their organs were dissected and counted by well detector.
Results: The results of MIRD and MCNP simulation code indicated that the two mentioned methods are in agreement. Also, kidney (1.23E-03mGy/MBq), spleen (2.81E-03 mGy/MBq) and heart (2.75E-03 mGy/MBq) absorbed the most gamma dose compared to the other organs.
Conclusion: According to the results and comparison with ICRP data, animal dissection model can be a useful tool for internal absorbed dose estimation of renal radiopharmaceuticals.
- Keywords
- MCNP simulation code
- MIRD method
- 99mTc- DTPA
- Effective dose
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