Reconstruction of Lower Eyelid Fistula with the Combined Four local flaps: A case report and review of literature
Regeneration, Reconstruction & Restoration (Triple R),
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2018),
12 June 2019,
Page x-x
Introduction: Lower eyelid retraction or ectropion often is caused by trauma, infections, graft skin contractures, failed blepharoplasty, or other factors. This defect not only affects the cosmetic appearance of the lower eyelid but also leads to hypophasis.
Report of a case: Herein, we report a reconstruction of lower eyelid fistula following a trauma due to car accident with combined four local flap in a 26 years old man. A review of the relevant literature is also presented. Nine relevant articles were assessment and all of this article show the using flap for the correction of severe ectropion may be an appropriate treatment modality.
Conclusion: Using of four combined flap is a good and safe method for correction of severe lower eyelid ectropion with good result versus using of this flaps alone.