Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • Considering that all correspondence with the corresponding author of the manuscripts will be sent to all of the authors, mentioning a valid email address for all authors will be necessary.
  • If the corresponding author of a manuscript is affiliated with an institution, the institutional email should be mentioned as the primary email address.
  • Submission of a manuscript must be carried out by one of the authors of the manuscript.
  • If any of the authors' emails are not valid, the issue will be officially reported to the highest level official of the corresponding author's organization as a scientific trespass.
  • It is highly recommended to use the checklists provided in the authors' guidelines for each type of submission.

Author Guidelines

Journal Information
- Triple R Journal is published and owned by the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
- The submitted articles are peer-reviewed on a double-blind basis.
- The submission processing and publication are free of charge.

Instructions for Author:
Manuscript Submission: All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through ONLINE SUBMISSION.
Note: If you could not submit your manuscript after login to the the website, you should click on "My Profile" on the right and then edit your profile by checking "Author" as your role.
Guidelines for Authors Triple R accepts various types of articles in the fields of regeneration, reconstruction, and restoration in medical sciences, including Original Papers, Review or Systematic Reviews, Case Reports/Series, Technical Notes, Letters to the Editor, and commentary.
Types of articles and writing standards all manuscripts must adhere to the article writing standards outlined in the AMA Manual of Style. Failure to meet academic writing standards may result in the fast rejection of manuscripts. Therefore, we strongly recommend that authors consult with a native English speaker and edit their manuscripts to ensure proper English language usage. To avoid additional charges for English editing, non-native English-speaking authors are encouraged to utilize professional English editing services before submitting their manuscripts to the journal. Here are some suggested services:
- http://www.medicaljournaleditors.com
- https://americanmanuscripteditors.com
- https://Articlex.irhttp://www.iranvirayeshcenter.com
All manuscripts should include a Title page, Structured abstract (for original articles, case series, and systematic review), Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods or case presentation, Results, Discussion, Limitations, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Author contributions,  Conflict of interest, Funding/support, ORCID, and  References.

Original Articles
No word limit, the number of figures and tables should be limited to 10. This category comprises randomized clinical trials, cohorts (Authors should adhere to the STROBE guideline), case-control studies (Authors should adhere to the STROBE guideline), cross-sectional studies (Authors should adhere to the STROBE guideline), In vitro and In vivo (Authors should adhere to the ARRIVE guideline) studies.
Randomized Controlled Trials: According to the guidelines set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (icmje.org), randomized controlled trials must be registered in a public trial registry, such as the World Health Organization's International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP). The registration number should be stated at the beginning of the materials and methods section. Acceptable trial registers include:
- www.clinicaltrials.gov
- Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT)
- International Clinical Trial Registry Websites
- www.ISRCTN.org
- www.umin.ac.jp/ctr/index/htm
- www.anzctr.org.au
- www.trialregister.nl
Authors are encouraged to use the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow chart (http://www.consort-statement.org) to ensure all relevant information is included.

Case Reports/Case Series
Authors can refer to the guidelines for writing a clinical case report or the CARE checklist for guidance. Case Series includes reports on special treatments and new procedures in limited cases with positive outcomes that have not yet been internationally recognized as a standard choice.
Also, we publish "Image" articles which is an educational subtype of case reports. Image articles should be limited to 500 words; except for this, there is no restriction regarding the structure and guidelines for this specific type of submission.
Case Series should follow the original studies' guidelines for drafting. There is no word limit, but the number of figures and tables should be limited to 10.

Narrative and Scoping Review Articles
While the Editor may request review articles, Triple R also accepts submitted reviews. All review articles undergo editorial reviews similar to original papers. There is no word limit, but the number of figures and tables should be limited to 10.

Systematic Review/Meta-Analyses
For systematic reviews or meta-analyses of randomized trials and other evaluation studies, authors should follow the PRISMA checklist and Flowchart, as well as the PRISMA structured abstract checklist when writing the structured abstract. Cochrane reviews are also welcomed. There is no word limit, but the number of figures and tables should be limited to 10.

A hypothesis is basically a well-organized logical framework or model that explains certain established facts. It should have real-world implications that can, in theory, be observed. The journal is open to exploring unconventional and speculative scientific ideas, as long as they are presented coherently. There is no word limit, but the number of figures and tables should be limited to 10.

Technical Notes
A technical note is a document that provides specific information on a technical subject. It can describe a feature, explain a procedure, give technical instructions, or even discuss modifications to existing techniques, procedures, or devices relevant to medicine. These concise articles typically focus on a particular aspect of a topic and are valuable for sharing specialized knowledge within a field. There is no word limit, but the number of figures and tables should be limited to 10. 

Letters to the Editor
Letters should be less than 500 words and should discuss articles published in the Journal within the last year. Letters will undergo peer-review processing and may be edited for clarity.

Triple R accepts commentary letters from experts. The word limit for commentary letters is 1000 words.

Case Report
Original Studies
Technical Notes

Preparation of Manuscript
Triple publishes original research, reviews, case reports, hypotheses, technical notes, letters to the editor, and short communications.
Manuscripts that do not adhere to the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing peer review. Submissions should be double-spaced word-processing files (.docx). The top, bottom, and side margins should be 30 mm.

Manuscript Submission Requirements
Manuscripts can only be submitted to this journal through the Journal's Online Paper Submission page. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief, including the title and author(s) name, and a statement confirming that it has not been published or submitted elsewhere. If the manuscript has been previously submitted to other journals and was rejected, the authors must provide complete information for proper analysis. The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced, on A-4 size pages with clear margins on both sides. Tables and illustrations should be placed at the end of the manuscript, after the references. Tables should not be submitted as photographs. All text documents should be uploaded as Microsoft Word attachments. Figures should be submitted in JPEG, PNG, or PDF format, producing high-quality images (300 – 600 dpi and more than 100 KB) in the Journal's online edition.

 Covering letter
A cover letter, containing the information outlined below must be sent to the editor:
1- The material has not been published previously is not under consideration by another journal and is the work of the author/s.
2- The manuscript title, name, and address (including e-mail) of the corresponding author and their signature. This author will be responsible for editing proofs and ordering reprints where applicable.
3- The following paragraph: “In consideration of the editors of the Triple R taking action in reviewing and editing this submission, the author undersigned hereby transfer, assign or otherwise convey all copyright ownership to the Triple R in the event that such work is published in that Journal.”
4- If the purpose of a paper is to evaluate a commercial product, then a separate statement must be included with the submission, which asserts that the product was used exactly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If this was not the case, a precise description of any variant use must be prominently stated in the abstract, methods, and if appropriate, in the title.
5- Please include the seven points of the "Agreement Statement", in the Copyright Notice section below, in the cover letter.
6- Please sign the cover letter at the end on behalf of all other authors (If any).

Title page
The title page should be arranged as follows:
1- Title, which should be concise as well as descriptive.
2- Full name and affiliation of each author.
3- Running title (no more than 60 characters).
4- Name, full postal address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address of author responsible for correspondence.

Abstracts can be structured (Original Research, Case series, and Systematic Reviews) or unstructured (Case Reports, Hypothesis, Technical Notes, Narrative Reviews, and Scoping Reviews)
Structured abstracts should contain the following subheadings: background and objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusion.
All abstracts should be limited to 300 words with 3 - 5 keywords.

Article Body
Organize the manuscript into 13 main headings:
Introduction should provide the reader with enough information to understand the objectives of the study.
Material and Methods should describe the details of the study, methods, instruments and techniques used, and statistical methods. Ethical considerations should be mentioned here.
Results must describe the findings of the study clearly.
Discussions should focus on the findings of your current work and compare the results with those of other previous studies.
Limitations the authors should mention all obstacles they have faced in their work and all shortcomings and flaws in their research that may compromised the generalizability of their results and make the conclusions biased.
Conclusion should describe and summarize the major finding(s) of the study.
Acknowledgments may contain all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship e.g. editing help and departmental head who provided general support. Financial support must also be acknowledged and any conflict of interest must be noted.
Authors contributions Please add the full names of authors for their respective contributor roles according to the following list, if applicable: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing-original draft, and Writing-review editing.
Conflict of interest the authors must declare any potential competing interest for any of the co-authors. The journal suggests including the following statement: "All institutional or corporeal affixations of mine and all funding sources for the study are acknowledged. I certify that I have no commercial association that might represent a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted manuscript."
Funding/ support
References style in this journal follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' uniform guidelines (ICMJE) Vancouver style. For more information, please visit: http://www.icmje.org/index.html#reference. Accepted but not yet published articles should be marked as "In Press" in parentheses after confirmation of acceptance is obtained. Theses and manuscripts in the submission stage are not accepted as references. Articles still in the submission stage should be cited as personal communication, data not shown, or unpublished data. "et al." should be used after the 6th author for papers with more than six authors. Journal names should be abbreviated according to PubMed, but journals not listed with PubMed should be spelled out in full. For additional examples of correct style and format, please refer to a current issue of the Journal.
References should be addressed according to the following examples:
- Journals: Khojasteh A, Soheilifar S, Mohajerani H, Nowzari H. The effectiveness of barrier membranes on bone regeneration in localized bony defects: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2012;28(4):1076-89
- Books: Browne RM, Smith AJ. Pathogenesis of odontogenic cysts. In: Browne RM, editor. Investigative pathology of odontogenic cysts: CRC Press; 1990. p. 88-109.
Figures and tables should be created/scanned then saved and submitted as either a JPEG, PNG, or PDF file. Line art must have a resolution of 300 - 600 dpi (dots per inch). All scanned images including electronic photographs/radiographs, CT scans, etc., must have a resolution of 300 – 600 dpi. If fonts are used in the artwork, they must be converted to paths or outlines, or they must be embedded in the files. All figure legends should be typed on a separate page. Each table with its legend must be typed double-spaced on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
Ethical Consideration
1- If an intervention is applied to human subjects then the study has to be registered with a credible registry of clinical trials websites.
2- If human subjects are used in an observational investigation then the study has to be approved by the ethical committee of the research center or University where the study was carried out.
3- Research with human subjects should be conducted in full accordance with ethical principles, including the WMA Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (2008) http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html3) The submitted manuscripts must transparently state this in their methods and materials including a statement outlining whether the study has been independently reviewed and approved by an ethical board.
4- Where human subjects are used, informed consent explaining the nature of the procedure and possible discomforts and risks should be obtained from all patients who participated in the experimental investigation and subjects should be able to freely reject participation.
5- If animals are used, a statement protocol approval by the institutional animal care and use committee must be included. The methods section must clearly show that adequate measures were taken to minimize pain and/or distress, for example, the administration of local anesthetics or general anesthesia. Experiments should be carried out in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive of 24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) and in accordance with local laws and regulations governed within that country or with the guidelines laid down by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the USA regarding the care and use of animals for experimental procedures.
Note: Triple R Journal retains the right to reject any manuscript on the basis of unethical conduct of either human or animal studies.