How to Find Abutment Screw Channel of a Cement-retained Implant Supported Restoration? A Literature Reviews
Regeneration, Reconstruction & Restoration (Triple R),
Vol. 6 (2021),
13 Esfand 2021
Page e5
Introduction: Screw loosening is the most common technical complication in cement-retained dental implants. To retrieve screw loosened dental abutment, making abutment screw channel (ASC) is a useful method to access the abutment screw. This article reviews the methods for preparing ASC of cement-retained implant supported restoration.
Materials and Methods: The search was conducted on PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus. The keywords were screw loosening, cement-retained implant restoration, screw access hole, abutment screw channel and retrieving.
Results: Having applied the inclusion and exclusion criterion, 24 articles, 21 technical notes, 1 case report, and 2 reviews were found.
Conclusion: The techniques reviewed were categorized into 3 groups of marking techniques, customized guides, and imaging techniques with different outcomes.
- Abutment screw channel
- Cement-retained
- Implant restoration
- Retrieving; Screw loosening
- Screw access hole
How to Cite
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