A Case of Single System Ectopic Ureter and Dysplastic Kidney and Contralateral Refluxing Duplex Kidney
Journal of Pediatric Nephrology,
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2014),
19 Mordad 2014
Page 123-126
We report a six-year-old female child who presented withcontinued incontinence and a normal physical examination.
Urodynamic study was normal and uroflowmetry showed a
prolonged low peak flow rate (PFR) in voiding. VCUG revealed
left grade ш VUR. Her symptom continued in spite of medical
treatment. Finally, MRU showed a single system ectopic ureter
with a dysplastic kidney on the right side and a refluxing duplex
kidney on the contralateral side. She underwent surgical
correction and recovered.
Keywords: Ectopic Ureter; Ureter Abnormalities; Magnetic
Resonance Imaging; Urography; child; Renal Dysplasia.
How to Cite
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