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Author(s) should certify that neither this manuscript nor one with substantially similar content under their authorship has been published or being considered for publication elsewhere in any language, except as described in the covering letter. The Journal of Pediatric Nephrology (JPN) follows the latest definition for authorship provided by the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. All authors should have a substantial contribution to the manuscript and take public responsibility for its contents. All persons designated as authors are assumed to qualify for authorship and all those who qualify are listed. The corresponding author takes responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article. In the event that an author is added or removed from the list of authors, written acceptance, signed by all authors, must be submitted to the editorial office. Any financial interests, direct or indirect, in connection with the author(s) manuscript must be disclosed in the covering letter. Furthermore, sources of financial support of the project are named in the covering letter as well as the Acknowledgements. If the work involves experimentation on living animals, the author(s) must provide evidence that the study was performed in accordance with local ethical guidelines. If the study involves human beings, the author(s) must include a statement that the study was approved by the local ethical committee and that informed consent was obtained from the study participants. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees, the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be followed. All relevant permissions to cite the unpublished observations of others must be obtained by the manuscript author(s). The names and initials of these persons must be cited in the text, and permission from the original author(s) must be obtained. Permission also must be obtained to reproduce or adapt any figures or tables that have been published previously.
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