Is Urinary Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha a Predictor of Urological Abnormality in Children?
Journal of Pediatric Nephrology,
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2014),
19 Mordad 2014
Page 119-122
Introduction: The role of urinary Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-α) in the diagnosis and treatment of different disorders has been evaluated recently. This study was conducted to evaluate the correlation of urinary TNF-α with urological abnormalities in pediatric pyelonephritis.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted on children with acute pyelonephritis. Urine samples were tested for TNF-α (ELISA colorimetric, SANQUINE, USA) and creatinine in study group. Renal ultrasonography and voiding cystoureterography were performed in all patients, as well.
Results: One hundred pyelonephritic patients were enrolled in the study. Urinary TNF-α/Cr was in an abnormal range in 91.9% of the patients. This query revealed a significant correlation between urinary TNF-alpha and kidney ultrasound results (r=0.59) and grading of reflux in voiding cystoureterography (r=0.128). Furthermore, our study showed a significant difference between the level of urinary TNF-α/Cr in patients with and without abnormality on kidney ultrasonography (p value < 0.000).
Conclusions: The results of this study indicate the efficacy of urinary TNF-α in detection of inflammatory disorders such as pyelonephritis and pediatric urological abnormalities.
Keywords: Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha; Urologic Diseases; Child.
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