Original/Research Article

The Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Program on Psychological Manifestations in Patients with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Mahdieh Golestanpour, Afshin Salahian

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024), 16 March 2024, Page 1-7

Background and Aim:Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is associated with violence, disobedience, stubbornness, anger, and aggression. The role of promoting emotional intelligence on psychological manifestations such as aggression and social anxiety has not been studied.

Materials and Methods:In a pilot randomized clinical trial, during October 2017 to March 2018, 30 adolescents with a diagnosis of ODD were purposefully selected. Subjects were divided into two groups through block randomization (BR). Emotional intelligence education was provided to the experimental group in the form of eight one-hour weekly sessions and the control group was placed on a waiting list. Participants answered the questionnaires of emotional intelligence, social anxiety, and aggression in two time periods before and after treatment. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS software version 21.

Results:Preliminary results showed that the intervention of emotional intelligence education had a significant effect on the indicators of aggression, emotional intelligence, and social anxiety (all p's <0.05). Secondary outcomes showed that this intervention was effective on the indicators of physical discomfort and social anxiety (p >0.05).

Conclusion:The findings of the present study indicate the effective role of emotional intelligence education on psychological indices such as aggression, emotional intelligence and social anxiety. These findings could be associated with clinical applications in the prevention and treatment of oppositional defiant disorder in adolescents.

Background and Aim:The most important characteristics of oppositional defiant disorder are two sets of emotional and behavioral symptoms that manifest themselves in individual and social form. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of social-emotional competence group training on social responsibility, alexithymia and severity of oppositional defiant disorder in adolescents.

Materials and Methods:The current research was applied and semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test and a control group. The research sample included 30 teenage girls with oppositional defiant disorder who were randomly divided into two groups of 15 people, experimental and control. The participants were tested on the scales of social adjustment, alexithymia and oppositional defiant disorder. Then, the treatment plan based on social-emotional competence group training was presented to the participants of the experimental group online in 9 two-hour sessions. Then, their scores were measured in the desired scales, after completing the treatment, and a three-month follow-up period. Descriptive statistics and covariance test were used to analyze the data.

Results:The participants showed a clear improvement in the severity of symptoms in all three variables. So that the scores of alexithymia and oppositional defiant disorder in the experimental group after receiving the treatment, as well as after a three-month follow-up period, were significantly reduced and the social adjustment scores were also increased (p<0.001).

Conclusion:In general, it can be concluded that social and emotional competence training can reduce the symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in adolescents by correctly recognizing their own and others' emotions and helping to improve communication skills with others, and as a result, help to increase the adaptation of adolescents in society.

Prediction of Post-Traumatic Growth Based On Sensitivity to Rejection and Resilience in Adolescents with Divorced Parents

Darya Sadat Nazemi Dehkharghani, Leila Khabir

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024), 16 March 2024, Page 16-25

Background and Aim:Parental divorce is one of the most stressful events that teenagers face, and it leaves short-term and long-term economic, social, and emotional effects on teenagers. The purpose of this research is to predict the posttraumatic growth based on sensitivity to rejection and resilience in adolescents who have experienced parental divorce.

Materials and Methods:The research implementation method was correlation type. The sample studied were teenagers aged 13 to 17 in Kerman who had experienced the divorce of their parents and had referred to counseling centers (Jomhuri Blvd, EmamJomeh, and HezaroyekShab Street) in Kerman. After the screening and using the available method after visiting the counseling centers in Kerman, the researcher selected 100 people who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data collection was based on Sarmad et al.'s sensitivity to rejection questionnaire, Connor and Davidson's resilience questionnaire, and Tedeschi and Kalon's post-traumatic growth questionnaire. The analysis and information obtained from the implementation of the questionnaire were checked through SPSS software version 26 and the data was analyzed using a simple regression inferential test.

Results:The value of the standardized regression coefficient (BETA)for sensitivity to rejection is equal to0.165 and for resilience is equal to0.911. According to the value of the t statistic obtained, which is significant at the alpha level of0.01, the research hypothesis is confirmed.

Conclusion:The research results showed that sensitivity to rejection negatively and significantly predicts post-traumatic growth in teenagers with divorced parents, and resilience positively and significantly predicts post-traumatic growth in teenagers with divorced parents

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Reducing Symptoms of Depression, Pain Intensity, and Movement Limitation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

NazAfarin Paknahad, Ezzatollah Kordmirza Nikoozadeh, Majid Saffarinia, Abdulrahman Rostamian

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024), 16 March 2024, Page 26-33

Background and Aim:Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that due to pain in the patient's joints, the patient cannot make strong movements due to the muscles around the joints are weakened and the patient's movement capability is reduced. Thus, this disease is associated with pain, depression, and also movement disability.

Materials and Methods:This research is in the qualitative part of a semi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test with a control group. The statistical population included people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. In the quantitative part, based on the size of the population, 30 women with rheumatoid arthritis were and randomly replaced in the experimental and control groups. The experimental group in this study underwent cognitive behavioral therapy. The required information was collected by Beck’s Depression Questionnaire, McGill Pain Intensity Questionnaire (SF-MPQ-2), Osostria ODI Questionnaire, Physical Disability Assessment Questionnaire (Rowland & Morris, 1983), and Quebec Pain Disability Scale (QPDS). Also, for the measurement level of the desired variables and hypotheses, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution tables, and graphs were used in the descriptive section. In the inferential part, the assumptions of univariate and multivariate covariance analysis, Levine's test, and Sphericity were used.

Results:The results of univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance showed that CBT reduces depression, pain, and their components; Motor disability, components of functional disability, physical disability, and back pain disability were effective in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was also stated that CBT has a higher effectiveness in reducing pain and its components (except emotional perception of pain) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Conclusion:CBT has been effective in all four variables.

Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of Smoking Temptation Coping Questionnaire among Male and Female Students in Tehran

Mojgan Agahheris, Yousef Soltani, Ghoncheh Rahrovi

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024), 16 March 2024, Page 34-42

Background and Aim:One of the patterns among teenagers is the consumption of all types of tobacco, especially cigarettes, which are widely and commonly available. Currently, smoking is the main cause of preventable deaths in the world and accounts for a significant part of social inequalities in health and mortality. So, applying the reliable measures for assessment this domain is crucial.  The purpose of this research is to investigate the validity and reliability of smoking temptation coping questionnaire (STCQ) among second-year high school boys and girls in Tehran.

Materials and Methods:The target population studied in this research consisted of male and female students in six districts of Tehran. First, six districts were selected among the schools in the districts of Tehran city by cluster sampling method. Considering Morgan's table, a sample size of 341 people was selected. Collecting the required information was done STCQ. Also, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, content validity, and correlation coefficient were analyzed by SPSS and LIRSEL softwares.

Results:The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the indicators of the questionnaire were influenced by 2 underlying factors. These 2 factors were able to explain more than 52% of the variance of the total score of STCQ. Examining the convergent and discriminant validity of the construct also showed this scale has convergent and discriminant validity. The results showed that each factor was able to explain some percentage of the variance of the set of variables. Therefore, from the total of 13 indicators, they can be reduced to 1 conceptual factor. The examination of the convergent and discriminant validity of the construct also showed that this scale has convergent and discriminant validity. According to the experts, the content and form validity results were reported to be acceptable. In the end, concurrent validity was confirmed by using Pearson's correlation coefficient due to the significance of the correlation coefficients between the variables in the studied samples (p<0.05).

Conclusion:Persian version of smoking temptation coping questionnaire (STCQ) is a valid and reliable tool for assessment among both geners in adolescence.

The Role of Attachment Style, Sexual Satisfaction and Narcissism on Marital Infidelity of Social Network Users

Fereshteh Pourmohseni-Koluri, Razie Fekri, Eisa Jafari, Mehri Mowlaie, Sahel Hadian, Masoome Gasemi

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024), 16 March 2024, Page 43-49

Background and Aim:The present study was conducted with the objective of investigating the role of attachment style, sexual satisfaction and narcissism in marital infidelity of social network.

Materials and Methods:The research method was descriptive-correlational. Sample size included all couples aged 18-50, lived in Ardabil province which were using social networks in 2019. The sample size according to convenience sampling method was considered 200 people. Data collection were based on infidelity in social networks, sexual satisfaction, adult attachment style, and narcissistic questionnaires.

Results:The results showed a significant positive relationship between attachment style, sexual satisfaction and narcissism with marital infidelity. The results in multivariate regression in Table 3 shows the formative predictor variables could predict social network user`s infidelity (p<0.05). Also squared multiple correlation indicates that predictors could predict 27% of infidelity changes.Standardized regression coefficients for anxious attachment style (p<0.01), avoidant attachment style (p<0.01), sexual satisfaction (p<0.05),significantly and positively predict marital infidelity of network users.

Conclusion:The present research identifies the role of personality characteristics and attachment styles in marital infidelity of social networking users and their importance in predicting this problem.The importance of attachment styles and sexual satisfaction in the intimate relationships of adults and especially the marital infidelity of users was explained.