The Role of Attachment Style, Sexual Satisfaction and Narcissism on Marital Infidelity of Social Network Users The role of hardiness and moral intelligence in anxiety
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024),
16 March 2024
Page 43-49
Background and Aim:The present study was conducted with the objective of investigating the role of attachment style, sexual satisfaction and narcissism in marital infidelity of social network.
Materials and Methods:The research method was descriptive-correlational. Sample size included all couples aged 18-50, lived in Ardabil province which were using social networks in 2019. The sample size according to convenience sampling method was considered 200 people. Data collection were based on infidelity in social networks, sexual satisfaction, adult attachment style, and narcissistic questionnaires.
Results:The results showed a significant positive relationship between attachment style, sexual satisfaction and narcissism with marital infidelity. The results in multivariate regression in Table 3 shows the formative predictor variables could predict social network user`s infidelity (p<0.05). Also squared multiple correlation indicates that predictors could predict 27% of infidelity changes.Standardized regression coefficients for anxious attachment style (p<0.01), avoidant attachment style (p<0.01), sexual satisfaction (p<0.05),significantly and positively predict marital infidelity of network users.
Conclusion:The present research identifies the role of personality characteristics and attachment styles in marital infidelity of social networking users and their importance in predicting this problem.The importance of attachment styles and sexual satisfaction in the intimate relationships of adults and especially the marital infidelity of users was explained.
- Attachment styles, Sexual satisfaction, Narcissism, marital infidelity, Social networks
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