Use the following guidelines for preparing the manuscript:
The correct order of the elements within a standard IJABS original article is as follows:
- Title, date of submission
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Figure captions
- Tables
The title must be as accurate, informative, simple and complete as possible. Avoid titles that are too long and avoid using abbreviations. Write the title without the colon. Avoid the use of roman numerals in the title.
Title page
- Give the article an informative title, which includes study design (also include details relevant to the study’s generalizability, e.g., setting or population characteristics)
- For individuals whose assistance is acknowledged, list highest degree(s) as applicable, institutional affiliation (including funding source for acknowledged assistance), and any relevant financial disclosure
- Describe financial support received for the study, and include grant numbers as applicable
- Indicate previous presentation of the data, including meeting date(s) and location
Abstract [do not include with letters to the editor]
- Provide a structured abstract of about 250 words or less; use the required formats
- For clinical trials, include the trial registry, URL, and registration number at the end of the abstract
- Specify the diagnostic criteria used (for example, DSM-IV), if applicable
- Specify the primary outcome measure of the study
- For original research, give the relevant range of dates in which the study was conducted (month/year to month/year)
- State the significance level (CIs, P values, or other relevant measure) of statistically significant results
- Ensure the data in the abstract match the data in the article text and tables
Key Words
Key words must be selected from the list of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Iffora particularkeyword, the keywordis notappropriate, you can usethenew words.
For access to the vocabulary of MeSH, see the following URL:
For experimental studies with human subjects, include a statement that subjects informed consent to participate, and state whether institutional review board approval was obtained; if not, please explain.
The Introduction section should be written in a way that is accessible to researchers without special knowledge in that area and must clearly state - and, if helpful, illustrate - the background to the research and its aims. Reports of clinical research should, where appropriate, include a summary of a search of the literature to indicate why this study was necessary and what it aimed to contribute to the field. The section should end with a brief statement of what is being reported in the article.
The methods section should include the design of the study, setting, type of participants or materials involved, a clear description of all interventions and comparisons, and the type of analysis used, including a power calculation if appropriate. Generic drug names should generally be used. When proprietary brands are used in research, include the brand names in parentheses in the methods section. For studies involving human participants a statement detailing ethical approval and consent should be included in the methods section.
The results and discussion may be combined into a single section or presented separately. Results of statistical analysis should include, where appropriate, relative and absolute risks or risk reductions, and confidence intervals. The results and discussion sections may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings.
The conclusion section should state clearly the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance. Summary illustrations may be included.
Cite references using the Vancouver format, numbered sequentially in the text. Your references need to be listed in the order you cited them and numbered accordingly. Your first entry starts with (1) as your reference number, your second reference starts with (2) etc. Do NOT use auto-reference programs that bury references within the text. Read more:
Figure Captions
A figure’s legend and caption ought to be in sufficient detail to allow the reader to understand the content of the figure. Supply captions separately, under the figure and not attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration
Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the table body. Submit tables in Word format. All files will be converted to PDF for review purposes.