Prayer and pain catastrophizing coping strategies on headache intensity prediction in patients with headache
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2016),
24 July 2017,
Page 1-8
Introduction: Headaches are the most common cause of absence from work and school and one of the most common reasons of referring to neurologist. The present study aimed to investigate the role of prayer and pain catastrophizing as coping strategies in prediction of headache intensity. Methods: In this research we selected 124 patients (89 female and 35 male) with headache as comparison group via available sampling method and 53 individual (30 female and 23 male) as control group. The patients were chosen after the diagnosis of headache by a neurologist in a neurology clinic. The patients completed demographic questionnaire, visual analogues scale (VAS), prayer subscale of coping strategies questionnaire (CSQ) and pain catastrophizing scale (PCS). Results: The analysis of regression showed that rumination as one of the subscale of pain catastrophizing and prayer could account for 9% of variation for headache intensity. Conclusion: The results show that prayer and rumination, which is one of catastrophic components, are effective in prediction of pain. In other words, prayer can predict low intensity of headache, and rumination can predict high intensity of headache and this result which prayer predicted low intensity of pain, can explain the role of spirituality in mental health, especially in our country with religious background. Declaration of Interest: None.