Life-threatening Carotid Complications Caused by Extraluminal Migration of Ingested Foreign Bodies; a Case Report and Narrative Review of Literature
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024),
1 January 2024
Page e45
Carotid complications resulting from extra-luminal migration of ingested foreign bodies (FB) are rare but potentially life-threatening. Previous data on the topic predominantly comprises isolated case reports, leaving a gap in comprehensive evidence necessary to guide clinical decision-making. In this article, we offer a narrative review alongside a novel case report, aimed at providing a broad, evidence-based perspective on the topic to guide clinical practice. The search strategy employed keywords related to carotid artery complications from ingested FB across the following electronic databases: PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Central. Screening involved standardized data extraction by two independent reviewers, with a focus on abstracts meeting inclusion criteria and excluding non-English literature and non-relevant studies from further analysis. Moreover, we present a novel case report on the topic that was successfully managed using a unique surgical approach.
Overall, a total of sixteen case reports were finally included, data on clinical presentations, diagnostic strategies and findings, surgical management and outcome were extracted, tabulated, and discussed.
In carotid complications from extra-luminal migration of ingested FB, high clinical suspicion is crucial due to potentially mild symptoms and negative first-level examinations. Computed tomography (CT) scan plays a pivotal role for accurate diagnosis and surgical planning, along with neck ultrasound to detect complications. Tailored surgical strategies based on the severity of carotid involvement, including venous patch grafts in severe vessels involvement, are crucial for optimal patient outcomes. As a novelty, in our case report, carotid shunt was successfully employed instead of prolonged carotid clamping to reduce the risk of associated neurological sequelae. It could be concluded that, diagnosis and managing carotid complications from extra-luminal migration of ingested FB remains challenging and a multidisciplinary approach is warranted.
- anastomosis
- foreign body
- carotid artery
- ingestion
- laceration
- Anastomosis, surgical
- Eating
How to Cite
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