Demographics of Scorpion Sting in Iran; a Cross Sectional Study
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017),
1 January 2017
Page e77
Introduction:Â Scorpion sting is an important public health problem in some countries, including Iran. This study aimed to describe the demographics of a large number of these victims in some endemic areas of Iran.
Methods:Â This cross-sectional study evaluated baseline characteristics, clinical findings, management, and disposition of scorpion stung cases in 26 cities of 4 provinces in the southwest quarter of Iran, during one year.
 Results: 3008 cases of scorpion sting with mean age of 27.07 ± 16.58 years were studied (51.3% female). The mean time from sting to hospital was 1.89 ± 1.04 hours. No first aid measures had been taken in 96.6% of cases. Lower (39.5%) and upper (35.7%) extremities were stung most frequently. Midnight to 6:00 am was the period of time most of stings occurred (34.2%). Local pain (77.2%) and erythema (63.5) were among the most common signs and symptoms. 2026 (67.3%) victims had been discharged; 326 (10.8%) were admitted or referred to other hospitals and 5 (0.2%) cases died.
Conclusion:Â It seems that demographic characteristics of scorpion sting in Iran are not so different from those reported from other sites of the world, as signs and symptoms of local and systemic envenomations. Victims, companions, and healthcare providers perform many futile and maybe harmful measures and there is a need to educate all about all of these details.
- Iran
- scorpion stings
- epidemiologic studies
- emergency service
- hospital
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