Current Trends in Hypospadias Repair. Where are we Standing?
Urology Journal,
1 January 2020,
Page 6081
Purpose: Although several surgical approaches are suggested for hypospadias reconstruction but there is not a consensus on the best surgical method of hypospadias repair. This is a survey about technique of choice in treatment of various types of hypospadias.
Method and materials: We asked about preferred method of treatment for three different hypospadias scenarios. 170 surgeons completed the questionnaire and enrolled in this study.
Results: 51 general urologists, 61 pediatric surgeon, 16 plastic surgeons and 42 pediatric urologists joined the survey. Preferred method of surgery for a distal hypospadias was TIP in 53.5%. TIP was offered by 39.4% , Two stage Urethroplasty in 24.7% and Island On lay Flap in 21.2% to repair a proximal hypospadias without cordee. Two-stage Bracka or Durham Smith were common surgical options in proximal hypospadias surgery with cordee.
Conclusion: A growing trend was detected on TIP repair of distal and proximal hypospadias without cordee.