10-Year Success of Root-End Re-Surgery in a Central Incisor with Severe Mobility Root-End Re-Surgery in a Central Incisor
Regeneration, Reconstruction & Restoration (Triple R),
Vol. 9 (2024),
1 January 2024
This case report describes the 10-year follow-up of a root-end re-surgery in a 38-year-old woman patient who had symptomatic apical periodontitis and failed endodontic surgery in the upper left central incisor. Past dental history revealed root-end surgery with amalgam in that tooth, which continued to swell and discomfort after the surgery. Upon clinical/radiographic examination, she revealed a grossly compromised crown-to-root ratio of 3:1 with severe mobility of the tooth and apical radiolucency. After thorough treatment planning and patient consent, re-surgery was carried out with calcium-enriched mixture cement as a biocompatible root-end filling material. Postoperative care included strict occlusal management and instructions to the patient to avoid hard foods. At the 10-year follow-up, the tooth was functional, and complete periapical healing was evident with no recurrence of symptoms. This case illustrates the role of modern endodontic microsurgery, appropriate biomaterial selection, and meticulous surgical technique in the long-term success of even challenging cases.
- Calcium enriched mixture
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