Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of General Dentists Regarding Informed Consent in 2023: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Yazd, Iran Informed consent: A survey in Yazd.
Regeneration, Reconstruction & Restoration (Triple R),
Vol. 9 (2024),
1 January 2024
Background and objectives: Despite developments in the field of patient rights laws in Iran, there is still no single policy in the field of informed consent, which may be interpreted as the formality of obtaining consent without considering its principles. No domestic studies were found on this topic, especially in the dental field. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAPs) of dentists regarding informed consent in Yazd.
Materials and methods: In this cross‑sectional study of 146 dentists, a pretested, researcher-made self-administered questionnaire was used. Mann‒Whitney and Kruskal‒Wallis tests were performed for analysis.
Results: Knowledge and practice levels were considered acceptable, but attitudes were not. There was no significant difference in knowledge or attitude scores based on age, gender or years of clinical experience. Practice scores did not differ based on sex, but there was a significant difference according to age and years of clinical experience. There was a moderate direct correlation between the practice score and both the attitude and knowledge scores.
Conclusion: The KAP of Yazd dentists, especially regarding the principles of obtaining informed consent, needs improvement.
- health knowledge
- attitude
- Practice
- Informed consent
- Dentists
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