Translation and Psychometric properties of Persian Version of “Kendall Chronic Sorrow Instrument” in Mothers of Children with Cancer
Supportive & Palliative Care in Cancer,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017),
The aim of this study was to translate and evaluate psychometric properties of Kendall chronic sorrow instrument (KCSI) in Iranian mothers of children with cancer.
In this methodological study, Kendall chronic sorrow instrument (KCSI) was translated and back translated. Its content and face validity were determined by 15 faculty members specialized in different fields of nursing and psychology. Among mothers of children with cancer, 264 mothers were selected by convenient sampling and completed Persian instrument. Construct validity and internal consistency reliability were investigated by exploratory factor analysis and determining Cronbach's alpha. To determine stability, test-retest method was used for 20 participants with a two-week interval.
Factor analysis confirmed the presence of three factors that explained 49.92% of instrument variance. Cronbach's alpha for the total instrument (α=0.84) indicated its internal consistency. Pearson correlation coefficient r=0.86 (p<0.001) confirmed the stability of the instrument. Chronic sorrow mean score of participants in this study was 76.39 (SD=15.81).
Persian version of Kendall chronic sorrow instrument (KCSI) can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to measure chronic sorrow in mothers of children with cancer.
How to Cite This Article: Nifarid L, Rassouli M, Borimnejad L, Alavimajd H. Translation and Psychometric properties of Persian Version of “Kendall Chronic Sorrow Instrument” in Mothers of Children with Cancer. Supportive and Palliative Care in Cancer 2016; in press.