The Effect of Rhythmic Movements on Mild Anxiety in Children of 7 to 12 Years Old with Cancer
Supportive & Palliative Care in Cancer,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017),
Background and Aim: Cancer is a chronic childhood disease with many unpleasant psychological consequences such as anxiety. The study conducted to assess the effect of rhythmic movement on mild anxiety of children with cancer.
Material and Methods: This study was a Quasi-experimental study. The study population included all children aged 7 to 12 years old diagnosed with cancer who were hospitalized in oncology ward of a pediatrics hospital affiliated with Shahidbeheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. Sampling was through convenient sampling and based on the inclusion criteria. 31 children with mild anxiety chosen according to ʺSpielberger Anxiety Inventoryʺ were recruited. Rhythmic movements with hip-hop style along with playing music performed in the playing room for 45 minutes during 6 sessions. Questionnaires were recompleted on the final day of intervention (sixth day) and 3 weeks later through reading the items for children and filling by researcher. Data analyzed using SPSS V.18 by repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: The results showed significant differences between the mean values of anxiety (P<0.05) score before intervention and at the end of day 6 and weeks 3.
Conclusion: Rhythmic movements as a non pharmacologic intervention reduce mild anxiety in children with cancer. It is recommended that nurses use non pharmacological approaches such as rhythmic movements to reduce the psychological effects of cancer instead of using drugs.
- Rhythmic Movement
- Anxiety
- Children
- Cancer
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