Comparison of the Immediate Effects of Various Durations of Trigger Point Compression Technique on Latent Trigger Points of the Upper Trapezius Muscle
Journal of Clinical Physiotherapy Research,
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019),
7 Tir 2020,
Page e8
Introduction: The aim of the present study was to investigate the immediate effect of time (30 and 90 seconds) trigger point compression techniques in the latent trigger points of upper trapezius muscle. Methods and Materials: A total of 39 women, aged between 20-30 who were diagnosed with latent MTrPs in the upper trapezius muscle, participated in the present study. Participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups, 13 each, using block randomization method: trigger point compression (30 sec), trigger point compression (90 sec), and control group. In all groups, the measurements were carried out before and after the intervention. Results: The duration of 30 and 90 sec trigger point compression techniques were observed to decrease the pain and increase the pain pressure threshold (P<0.001). Significant differences were found between the duration of 30 sec trigger point compression technique and control group in terms of pain magnitudes (P<0.001) and pain pressure threshold (P<0.01). Also, there were significant differences between the duration of 90 sec trigger point compression technique and control group regarding pain magnitudes and pain pressure threshold (P<0.001). Moreover, significant differences were observed between these 2 treatment groups in terms of pain magnitudes (P<0.05) and pain pressure threshold (P<0.001). The duration of 90 sec trigger point compression technique was observed to have more effects compared with that for duration of 30 sec. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicated that each of the 2 treatments decreased pain and increased pain pressure threshold. The results introduce the duration of 90 sec trigger point compression technique as a more effective treatment compared with that of the duration of 30 sec for latent MTrPs.
Key words: Compression Technique; Myofascial Trigger Points; Upper Trapezius