Teratoid wilms tumor: Case Report and Review of Literature
Journal of Pediatric Nephrology,
Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020),
21 Shahrivar 2020
Page 1-9
Teratoid Wilm’s tumor is a rare variant of Wilm’s tumor, which composed of well-differentiated epithelial cells or mesenchymal heterologous elements constituting more than 50% of the conventional wilm’s tumors in pediatric group. We hereby report an additional case in a 6-year-old female along with review of literature.
- Wilms Tumor
- Child
- Teratoid Wilms Tumor
How to Cite
Agarwal K, Anand A, Singh S, Suman N. Teratoid wilms tumor: Case Report and Review of Literature. J Ped Nephrol [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];8(4):1-9. Available from: https://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jpn/article/view/32079
1. Fernandes ET, Parham DM, Ribeiro RC, Douglass EC, Kumar AP, Wilimas J. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: the St Jude experience. J Pediatr Surg. 1988;23(12):1131-1134.
2. Variend S, Spicer RD, Mackinnon AE. Teratoid Wilms' tumor. Cancer. 1984;53(9):1936-1942.
3. Vujanić GM. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: report of a unilateral case. Pediatr Pathol. 1991;11(2):303-309.
4. Magee JF, Ansari S, McFadden DE, Dimmick J. Teratoid Wilms' tumour: a report of two cases. Histopathology. 1992;20(5):427-431.
5. Kotiloğlu E, Kale G, Sevinir B, Hiçsönmez A, Akçören Z. Teratoid Wilms' tumor. A unilateral case. Tumori. 1994;80(1):61-63.
6. Williams M, Schropp KP, Noe HN. Fat containing renal mass in childhood: a case report of teratoid Wilms tumor. J uro.1994;151:1662-63.
7. Ashworth MT, Pizer BL, Oakhill A, Spicer RD, Berry PJ. A teratoid Wilms' tumor with raised serum alpha-fetoprotein level. Pediatr Pathol Lab Med. 1996;16(5):853-859.
8. Paterson A, Sweeney LE. Teratoid Wilms' tumour occurring synchronously with classical Wilms' tumour in Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome. Pediatr Radiol. 2000;30(9):656-657.
9. Karaca I, Sencan A, Ortaç R, Bostanci-Sencan A, Mir E. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: a case report. Turk J Pediatr. 2000;42(3):242-245.
10. Bakshi N, Mansoor I, Venkataramu NK, Katariya S. An unusual renal malignancy of childhood: unilateral teratoid Wilms's tumor. Pediatr Pathol Mol Med. 2003;22(5):435-441.
11. Cecchetto G, Alaggio R, Scarzello G, et al. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: report of a unilateral case. J Pediatr Surg. 2003;38(2):259-261.
12. Inoue M, Uchida K, Kohei O, Nashida y, Deguchi T, Komada y et al. Teratoid Wilms’ tumor: A case report with literature review. J Pediatr Surg. 2006;41:1759-63.
13. Myers JB, Dall'Era J, Odom LF, McGavran L, Lovell MA, Furness P 3rd. Teratoid Wilms' tumor, an important variant of nephroblastoma. J Pediatr Urol. 2007;3(4):282-286.
14. Köksal Y, Varan A, Akyüz C, Kale G, Büyükpamukçu N, Büyükpamukçu M. Teratoid Wilms' tumor in a child. Pediatr Int. 2007;49(3):414-417.
15. Parikh B, Trivedi P, Shukla K. A unilateral teratoid Wilms' tumor with raised serum alpha-fetoprotein level. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2007;50(2):317-319.
16. Seo J, Suh YL, Choi HY. Adult teratoid Wilms' tumor with prominent neuroepithelial differentiation. Pathol Int. 2009;59(1):44-48.
17. Kajbafzadeh A, Tourchi A, Elmi A, Sadeghi Z, Ramyar A, Mahjoob F. Teratoid Wilms' tumor with hypertension treated with partial nephrectomy: case report with literature review. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2010;20(4):270-272.
18. Gupta DK, Sharma S, Agarwal S, Carachi R. Saga of Wilms tumour: Lessons learnt from the past. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2005;10:217-28.
19. Sultan I, Ajlouni F, Al-Jumaily U, et al. Distinct features of teratoid Wilms tumor. J Pediatr Surg. 2010;45(10):e13-e19.
20. Mukhopadhyay B, Shukla RM, Mukhopadhyay M, Mandi S, Roy D, Bhattacharya MK. Teratoid Wilms' tumor - A rare renal tumor. Urol Ann. 2011;3(3):155-157.
21. Treetipsatit J, Raveesunthornkiet M, Ruangtrakool R, Sanpaki K, Thorner PS. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: case report of a rare variant that can mimic aggressive biology during chemotherapy. J Pediatr Surg. 2011;46(12):e1-e6.
22. Yadav YK, Sharma U, Gupta K, Arora R. Squamous predominant teratoid Wilms' tumor. J Lab Physicians. 2012;4(1):50-52.
23. Bardesi JH, Al-Sayyad AJ. Teratoid Wilms tumor in a child: A case report. Uro Today International Journal. 2012;5:5-7
24. Sinha A, Phukan JP, Bandyopadhyay G, Mukherjee S. Teratoid Wilms' tumor in a child: A report of a rare case. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2013;3(1):72-74.
25. Ramani M, Geetha K, Ramesh Reddy K, Ramsha Tahoor a, Sandhya Rani C. A rare Wilms’ tumor with teratoid differentiation in a 3 month old male child - a case report. J Evol Med Denta Sci. 2013;2:4161-65.
26. Ghamdi DA, Bakshi N, Akhtar M. Teratoid Wilms Tumor: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature. Teratoid Wilms Tumor: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature. Turk Patoloji Derg. 2019;35(1):61-68.
27. Beckwith JB, Palmer NF. Histopathology and prognosis of Wilms tumors: results from the First National Wilms' Tumor Study. Cancer. 1978;41(5):1937-1948.
28. Bolande RP. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma of infancy. Perspect Pediatr Pathol. 1973;1:227-250.
29. Pawel BR, de Chadarévian JP, Smergel EM, Weintraub WH. Teratoid Wilms tumor arising as a botryoid growth within a supernumerary ectopic ureteropelvic structure. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1998;122(10):925-928.
30. Song JS, Kim IK, Kim YM, Khang SK, Kim KR, Lee Y. Extrarenal teratoid Wilms' tumor: two cases in unusual locations, one associated with elevated serum AFP. Pathol Int. 2010;60(1):35-41.
31. Chowhan AK, Reddy MK, Javvadi V, Kannan T. Extrarenal teratoid Wilms' tumour. Singapore Med J. 2011;52(6):e134-e137.
32. Baskaran D. Extrarenal teratoid wilms' tumor in association with horseshoe kidney. Indian J Surg. 2013;75(2):128-132.
33. Gooskens SL, Segers H, Pritchard-Jones K, Graf N, Dome JS, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM. The Clinical Relevance of Age at Presentation in Nephroblastoma. In: van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, ed. Wilms Tumor. Brisbane (AU): Codon Publications; 2016.
34. Yaqoob N., Ahmed Z., Jafri N., Muzaffar S., Hasan S. H. (2003). Renal teratoma: A rare entity. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 53(10), 492-493.
35. Treetipsatit J, Raveesunthornkiet M, Ruangtrakool R, Sanpaki K, Thorner PS. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: case report of a rare variant that can mimic aggressive biology during chemotherapy. J Pediatr Surg. 2011;46(12):e1-e6.
36. Park CM, Kim WS, Cheon JE, et al. Teratoid Wilms tumor in childhood: CT and ultrasonographic appearances. Abdom Imaging. 2003;28(3):440-443.
37. Bakshi N, Mansoor I, Venkataramu NK, Katariya S. An unusual renal malignancy of childhood: unilateral teratoid Wilms's tumor. Pediatr Pathol Mol Med. 2003;22(5):435-441.
38. Kreidberg JA, Sariola H, Loring JM, et al. WT-1 is required for early kidney development. Cell. 1993;74(4):679-691.
39. Burrow CR. Regulatory molecules in kidney development. Pediatr Nephrol. 2000;14(3):240-253.
40. Hohenstein P, Hastie ND. The many facets of the Wilms' tumour gene, WT1. Hum Mol Genet. 2006;15 Spec No 2:R196-R201.
1. Fernandes ET, Parham DM, Ribeiro RC, Douglass EC, Kumar AP, Wilimas J. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: the St Jude experience. J Pediatr Surg. 1988;23(12):1131-1134.
2. Variend S, Spicer RD, Mackinnon AE. Teratoid Wilms' tumor. Cancer. 1984;53(9):1936-1942.
3. Vujanić GM. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: report of a unilateral case. Pediatr Pathol. 1991;11(2):303-309.
4. Magee JF, Ansari S, McFadden DE, Dimmick J. Teratoid Wilms' tumour: a report of two cases. Histopathology. 1992;20(5):427-431.
5. Kotiloğlu E, Kale G, Sevinir B, Hiçsönmez A, Akçören Z. Teratoid Wilms' tumor. A unilateral case. Tumori. 1994;80(1):61-63.
6. Williams M, Schropp KP, Noe HN. Fat containing renal mass in childhood: a case report of teratoid Wilms tumor. J uro.1994;151:1662-63.
7. Ashworth MT, Pizer BL, Oakhill A, Spicer RD, Berry PJ. A teratoid Wilms' tumor with raised serum alpha-fetoprotein level. Pediatr Pathol Lab Med. 1996;16(5):853-859.
8. Paterson A, Sweeney LE. Teratoid Wilms' tumour occurring synchronously with classical Wilms' tumour in Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome. Pediatr Radiol. 2000;30(9):656-657.
9. Karaca I, Sencan A, Ortaç R, Bostanci-Sencan A, Mir E. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: a case report. Turk J Pediatr. 2000;42(3):242-245.
10. Bakshi N, Mansoor I, Venkataramu NK, Katariya S. An unusual renal malignancy of childhood: unilateral teratoid Wilms's tumor. Pediatr Pathol Mol Med. 2003;22(5):435-441.
11. Cecchetto G, Alaggio R, Scarzello G, et al. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: report of a unilateral case. J Pediatr Surg. 2003;38(2):259-261.
12. Inoue M, Uchida K, Kohei O, Nashida y, Deguchi T, Komada y et al. Teratoid Wilms’ tumor: A case report with literature review. J Pediatr Surg. 2006;41:1759-63.
13. Myers JB, Dall'Era J, Odom LF, McGavran L, Lovell MA, Furness P 3rd. Teratoid Wilms' tumor, an important variant of nephroblastoma. J Pediatr Urol. 2007;3(4):282-286.
14. Köksal Y, Varan A, Akyüz C, Kale G, Büyükpamukçu N, Büyükpamukçu M. Teratoid Wilms' tumor in a child. Pediatr Int. 2007;49(3):414-417.
15. Parikh B, Trivedi P, Shukla K. A unilateral teratoid Wilms' tumor with raised serum alpha-fetoprotein level. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2007;50(2):317-319.
16. Seo J, Suh YL, Choi HY. Adult teratoid Wilms' tumor with prominent neuroepithelial differentiation. Pathol Int. 2009;59(1):44-48.
17. Kajbafzadeh A, Tourchi A, Elmi A, Sadeghi Z, Ramyar A, Mahjoob F. Teratoid Wilms' tumor with hypertension treated with partial nephrectomy: case report with literature review. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2010;20(4):270-272.
18. Gupta DK, Sharma S, Agarwal S, Carachi R. Saga of Wilms tumour: Lessons learnt from the past. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2005;10:217-28.
19. Sultan I, Ajlouni F, Al-Jumaily U, et al. Distinct features of teratoid Wilms tumor. J Pediatr Surg. 2010;45(10):e13-e19.
20. Mukhopadhyay B, Shukla RM, Mukhopadhyay M, Mandi S, Roy D, Bhattacharya MK. Teratoid Wilms' tumor - A rare renal tumor. Urol Ann. 2011;3(3):155-157.
21. Treetipsatit J, Raveesunthornkiet M, Ruangtrakool R, Sanpaki K, Thorner PS. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: case report of a rare variant that can mimic aggressive biology during chemotherapy. J Pediatr Surg. 2011;46(12):e1-e6.
22. Yadav YK, Sharma U, Gupta K, Arora R. Squamous predominant teratoid Wilms' tumor. J Lab Physicians. 2012;4(1):50-52.
23. Bardesi JH, Al-Sayyad AJ. Teratoid Wilms tumor in a child: A case report. Uro Today International Journal. 2012;5:5-7
24. Sinha A, Phukan JP, Bandyopadhyay G, Mukherjee S. Teratoid Wilms' tumor in a child: A report of a rare case. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. 2013;3(1):72-74.
25. Ramani M, Geetha K, Ramesh Reddy K, Ramsha Tahoor a, Sandhya Rani C. A rare Wilms’ tumor with teratoid differentiation in a 3 month old male child - a case report. J Evol Med Denta Sci. 2013;2:4161-65.
26. Ghamdi DA, Bakshi N, Akhtar M. Teratoid Wilms Tumor: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature. Teratoid Wilms Tumor: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature. Turk Patoloji Derg. 2019;35(1):61-68.
27. Beckwith JB, Palmer NF. Histopathology and prognosis of Wilms tumors: results from the First National Wilms' Tumor Study. Cancer. 1978;41(5):1937-1948.
28. Bolande RP. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma of infancy. Perspect Pediatr Pathol. 1973;1:227-250.
29. Pawel BR, de Chadarévian JP, Smergel EM, Weintraub WH. Teratoid Wilms tumor arising as a botryoid growth within a supernumerary ectopic ureteropelvic structure. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1998;122(10):925-928.
30. Song JS, Kim IK, Kim YM, Khang SK, Kim KR, Lee Y. Extrarenal teratoid Wilms' tumor: two cases in unusual locations, one associated with elevated serum AFP. Pathol Int. 2010;60(1):35-41.
31. Chowhan AK, Reddy MK, Javvadi V, Kannan T. Extrarenal teratoid Wilms' tumour. Singapore Med J. 2011;52(6):e134-e137.
32. Baskaran D. Extrarenal teratoid wilms' tumor in association with horseshoe kidney. Indian J Surg. 2013;75(2):128-132.
33. Gooskens SL, Segers H, Pritchard-Jones K, Graf N, Dome JS, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM. The Clinical Relevance of Age at Presentation in Nephroblastoma. In: van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, ed. Wilms Tumor. Brisbane (AU): Codon Publications; 2016.
34. Yaqoob N., Ahmed Z., Jafri N., Muzaffar S., Hasan S. H. (2003). Renal teratoma: A rare entity. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 53(10), 492-493.
35. Treetipsatit J, Raveesunthornkiet M, Ruangtrakool R, Sanpaki K, Thorner PS. Teratoid Wilms' tumor: case report of a rare variant that can mimic aggressive biology during chemotherapy. J Pediatr Surg. 2011;46(12):e1-e6.
36. Park CM, Kim WS, Cheon JE, et al. Teratoid Wilms tumor in childhood: CT and ultrasonographic appearances. Abdom Imaging. 2003;28(3):440-443.
37. Bakshi N, Mansoor I, Venkataramu NK, Katariya S. An unusual renal malignancy of childhood: unilateral teratoid Wilms's tumor. Pediatr Pathol Mol Med. 2003;22(5):435-441.
38. Kreidberg JA, Sariola H, Loring JM, et al. WT-1 is required for early kidney development. Cell. 1993;74(4):679-691.
39. Burrow CR. Regulatory molecules in kidney development. Pediatr Nephrol. 2000;14(3):240-253.
40. Hohenstein P, Hastie ND. The many facets of the Wilms' tumour gene, WT1. Hum Mol Genet. 2006;15 Spec No 2:R196-R201.
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