A Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Changes and Oral Indices in Pediatric Patients Having Chronic Kidney Disease and Juvenile Diabetes with Healthy Controls
Journal of Pediatric Nephrology,
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019),
31 August 2019
Page 1-8
Background and Aim: Chronic Kidney disease is a common condition seen in Juvenile diabetes with 90% of renal impairment patients displaying a wide spectrum of oral manifestations in the hard and soft tissues including changes of the salivary composition and flow rate. There is an increase in the serum cystatin-C, urea and creatinine levels in these patients, which is reflected in the saliva. This study was conducted to assess the changes in salivary levels of cystatin-C, urea, and creatinine as well as oral – Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth Index (DMFT) and gingival indices in pediatric patients suffering from chronic renal disease and juvenile diabetes and compare them with healthy individuals.
Methods: Fifteen patients with juvenile diabetes suffering from chronic renal disease and 15 healthy controls aged 2-18 years were included in the study. Their saliva was analyzed for creatinine, cystatin-C and urea levels using an auto-analyzer and correlated with their existing serum levels. DMFT, gingival index, gingival bleeding and gingival enlargement indices were also assessed.
Results: Increased levels of salivary cystatin C, urea (p value <0.001) and creatinine (p value =0.001) were seen in the cases. The deft value was significantly lower (p value <0.001) while the gingival index, gingival bleeding index, and gingival enlargement index were significantly higher in the subjects with renal impairment.
Conclusion: Chronic Kidney disease results in many metabolic changes in the body, necessitating frequent biochemical blood analysis. Saliva, being a non-invasive, simple and rapid adjunctive tool, can be used for diagnosing and staging the disease and to check the progression of the condition.
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease; Renal Dysfunction; Saliva; Cystatin-C; Diagnosis.
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Renal Dysfunction
- Saliva
- Cystatin-C
- Diagnosis.
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