Renal Diseases in Children Attending Pediatric Nephrology Centers of Dhaka City
Journal of Pediatric Nephrology,
Vol. 4 No. 3 (2016),
22 December 2016
Page 86-91
Introduction: Renal diseases in children can be congenital or acquired. In Bangladesh, pediatric nephrology care is available for last 2 decades, but there was no epidemiological study to see the pattern of renal diseases in children of the country. So, this study was carried out to observe the pattern of renal diseases in children of pediatric nephrology centers of Dhaka city.
Materials and Methods: The children aged 1 day to 18 years with renal problems attended at selected four pediatric nephrology centers of Dhaka city (BSMMU, DMCH, DSH and NIKDU).
Results: Among 6453 patients, 1123 were admitted in IPD and 5330 were visited at OPD. Mean age was 5.8±3.5 years in IPD patients and 6.90±1.37 years in OPD patients. In IPD among 1123 patients, 720 (64.1%) were male and 403 (35.8%) were female and in OPD among 5330 patients 3336 (62.59%) were male and 1994 (37.4%) were female. Nephrotic Syndrome (76% in IPD and 74% in OPD) was the most common disease followed by chronic kidney disease (CKD 6%) in IPD and urinary tract infections (UTI 9.4%)in OPD were the next common disease. Common presentations were proteinuria (27.6%), oliguria or anuria (26.2%) and edema (25.7%).
Conclusions: The current pattern of renal diseases shows, that the most common renal diseases are NS followed by CKD and UTI. In the study male patients are more common than female.
Keywords: Nephrotic Syndrome; Chronic Kidney Disease; Congenital Anomalies of Kidney and Urinary Tract; Acute kidney injury.
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