The Role of Useful Information Obtained from Understanding the Lived Experiences of Patients in Pandemics: A Commentary
Journal of Medical Library and Information Science,
Vol. 5 (2024),
8 January 2024
Page 1-4
During the outbreak of a new epidemic, due to the lack of sufficient information and the lack of understanding of the nature of that phenomenon, organizations and individuals continuously seek to obtain information and understand it for better recognition and response, therefore, after a while, we see many researches in terms of lived experience, in that area. In the course of time; Epidemic diseases have many similarities with each other in terms of their impact on global health and society. This commentary aims to explain the importance of patients’ lived experiences during the pandemic.
Understanding the lived experiences of patients during pandemics is critical for health care providers, policy makers, and the general public to help address the unique challenges of patients (especially vulnerable populations) and design interventions and support systems for them.
Useful information derived from understanding patients' lived experiences plays an essential role during epidemics. By using this information, communities and health care systems can be more responsive, fair and flexible in the face of future health crises and meet the needs of most patients.
- Lived experience
- Pandemic
- Information
How to Cite
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