Evaluation of Resources and Services Managements in Hospital Libraries: A Comparative Analysis Based on Iranian Hospital Library Standards
Journal of Medical Library and Information Science,
Vol. 5 (2024),
8 January 2024
Page 1-9
Introduction: In providing evidence-based services, as well as easy access to the needed information, hospital libraries hold a significant position in serving various users, including healthcare practitioners, patients, and their family caregivers. This study aims to assess the hospital libraries affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) in Iran, based on the national standard approved by the National Standard Organization in 2021.
Methods: This study is an applied research with a descriptive survey methodology. The statistical population comprises 213 hospital libraries from 60 universities of medical sciences affiliated with the MOHME of Iran. Data was collected using a researcher-developed checklist derived from the national standard book of hospital libraries. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software.
Results: The current research results indicate that most hospital libraries in medical universities across Iran meet the Resources Management. Conversely, the majority of hospital libraries do not meet Service Management standards. Specifically, more than half of these libraries comply with the requirements for Information Resources Management and Information Technology Resources Management, and less than half of the libraries Services Management standards.
Conclusion: MOHME-affiliated hospital libraries have fundamental weaknesses in the critical components of Service Management standards and have strength in Resources Management standards, i.e., Information Resources Management and most Information Technology Resource Management standards. In order to ensure the well-being of patients, their families, and users, it is imperative that officials and stakeholders take concrete steps to enhance services, improve the quality of patient care, and ultimately boost overall users’ satisfaction levels.
- Evaluation
- Hospital libraries standard
- Universities of Medical Sciences
How to Cite
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