The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Disaster Management in Iran: A Narrative Review
Journal of Medical Library and Information Science,
Vol. 5 (2024),
8 Dey 2024
Introduction: Disaster management refers to preparedness, response, and recovery from disasters, encompassing a broad spectrum of activities, including risk assessment, emergency planning, communication, and resource management. Artificial intelligence (AI) can potentially enhance our disaster management capabilities, ranging from prediction and detection to impact assessment and recovery monitoring. This study aims to provide an overview of the role and application of AI in disaster management in Iran.
Methods: This study adopts a narrative review approach. Full-text articles and reports were retrieved from databases SID and Magiran, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Google Scholar, using the keywords “Iran,” “Disaster Management,” and “Artificial Intelligence.” Selection criteria focused on relevance to the study objective and the timeframe of 2020-2023. Then, the articles underwent a review process that evaluated their title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references.
Results: Out of the 314 retrieved studies, seven articles met the inclusion criteria for the study. The most commonly utilized algorithms were artificial neural networks (ANN) and random forests (RF), and the performance of the AI-based algorithms was reported to be satisfactory.
Conclusion: The occurrence of disasters is inevitable, and it may be impossible to prevent events such as earthquakes, floods, and other disasters. However, studies have shown that AI can be utilized for more efficient disaster management, reducing and minimizing damages and enabling more effective responses to such incidents.
- Disaster management
- Artificial intelligence
- Machine learning
- Artificial neural networks
- Iran
How to Cite
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