Smart Home Technologies and their Positive Outcoms for Improving the Life Quality in the Elderly: A Review Study
Journal of Medical Library and Information Science,
Vol. 2 (2021),
1 January 2021
Page 1-8
Introduction: Smart home supports the elderly to continue living in their own home using information and communication technology independently. This study aimed to survey technologies of smart home and their positive outcomes on the life quality of older people.
Methods: This narrative review article was conducted in 2021 using Scopus, PubMed, Web of Sciences, and Science Direct Databases. After the final survey, 25 resources obtained the required validity based on the study aim. The studies without recording technologies of smart home and their positive outcomes were excluded.
Results: In the literature review, 31 leading technologies for the smart home were identified. These technologies were classified into 11 groups. Also, 16 positive outcomes were identified due to applying these technologies in the smart home for older people. The essential outcomes are increasing awareness, sense of security and independence of the elderly, empowerment, and boosting self-confidence, strengthening communication among the older people, and reducing social isolation of them.
Conclusion: Due to the problems of aging in our country, identified groups of smart home technologies can be applied based on the needs of the elderly to enjoy the positive outcomes of these technologies to improve their quality of life.
- Elderly, Life Quality, Smart Home, Smart Technologies
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